
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday 21 February 2011

Ho Ho Steamboat, Seri Petaling

 What's that?

 Simple but nice decoration

 Nice nice seamboat. Love Ho Ho Steamboat coz the soup taste very sweet.

 We ordered additional QQ Taufu. These are one of their "famous" taufu. Sedap.

Really can't wait to enjoy he steamboat. Yummmm....


  1. Is this better than the puchong one ?

  2. That sounds like Santa Claus punya steamboat... Muahahahaha!!!!

  3. steamboat for CNY eve reunion dinner every year, and for the subsequent days to clear stock - so now see steamboat also takut-takut :D

  4. hows the steamboat there mamarazzi?? im a steamboat lover too.. :D

  5. Yalor, I always love their QQ taufu and their super delicious sambal belacan!^-^

  6. That is 1 set? For how many people?

    I still prefer steamboat buffet, can choose whatever liu that I like. :D

  7. HO HO Steamboat? :O

    Is it a steamboat that Santa Claus loves to eat? :P LOL!!

  8. i tried this steamboat before. Very nice...and lots of people.

  9. Chris

    Soup taste better but this one dun have the fried bihun

  10. Alice Law

    I think they got sell u know the sambal.

  11. Chee Yee

    This one was for 2 person

  12. mNhL

    yup...week days also very crowded


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