
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 24 February 2011

Ah Wang Bak Kut Teh, Old Klang Road

Missed me or not? This is a very late post. Back in January. Went makan with Ah Kong here.

Makan-ed the famous Steamed Fish Head. Wah lau eh..the portion really big lah. Nearly cannot finish makan.

Shh...don't tell Ah Mah. We also makan-ed this...BKT. Hmm...don't know why that particular day the soup was quite "tame".  Maybe haven't boil long enough?

Then Mamarazzi gatal and wanted to have Pork Vinegar. Wah...this one really yum yum...cukup rasa.

All the meat...hmm...must "wash" it down with some vegetable la. We had this "salad leave". Young and fresh. Not over cooked.

Prices ah...not sure of the prices. Mamarazzi saw this Carlberg signboard. Guess maybe it's the price of the food gua.

Tummy full full coz the portion of the food was quite big


  1. Food looks so-so...doesn't turn me on...and the veg seems very oily.

  2. I heard Auntie Cleff said it was your Birthday wor?!! Big boy liao(*hugs), may your Birthday be as special as you are!^-^

    P/s: Wah, Scrumptious meal, yummy!

  3. Wah, Ah Wang, Mr $$$$, he he he!

  4. Yum yum! Luckily I just finish my lunch. :)

  5. Nice bah Kut teh! I just realized, when ur son has grown up and learns that he " wrote " a blog when he was young, I'm sure he'll be glad! I should try this when I get my first child. :)

  6. I miss you lah, Small Kucing and also Mamarazzi. How come you eat steam fish at Bah Kut Teh shop?

  7. Pork vinegar - have tasted this quite a number of times. my fav.

  8. The bak kut teh soup looks a tad clear, not that tempting to me.

  9. Pete

    Memang lo...all Wang masuk their a/c

  10. Isaac

    Baru go R.O.M. already planning for 1st child. Good for you :D

  11. Autumn

    Coz they are famous for the Steam Fish also lo.

  12. Nava

    Yup...yum yum..but some shop dont clean the thing properly then it's not nice to eat

  13. Hilda

    ya that day the BKT not that good. Maybe not boil long enough.

  14. Hi Shaheelan Satkunaseelan, I agree with you about the Bak Kut Teh is good there also other food sold there but their prices are abit high. Most ppl over look the fact that their prices are high when eating there. I just eat there an hour ago. Guess what I paid for eating 1 serving "Yuan Fa" yuk (bak kut teh) means "soft lean pork meat" =RM9.00, 1 plate med size vegetable "yeow mark" RM7.00
    The drinks are decent price but the white rice is RM1.50 and their bowl of rice is so small. Other place Bak Kut Teh is abt RM8.00 and the rice is RM1.00 and bigger bowl compared to Ah Wang's place.


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