
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 23 September 2009

Paung Sambal Ikan and Nasi Minyak John, Dataran Shahbandar.

Another recommendation by Yee Poh is Paung Sambal Ikan. Said very nice and crunchy.

Just look at all those paung being fried in the big Kuali.

Yay! So this is where Mamarazzi's favourite Nasi Minyak disappeared to. Nasi Minyak John. Mamarazzi loves the beef. Very tender and the man give quite a big portion. RM3/pkt but must be with the rice too. They don't sell the lauk only.


  1. yes...very yummy indeed....especially the Nasi Minyak John.

  2. Ohh...I like to eat malay foods too! Your hometown is in Terengganu? Just gave u a $mile. :)

  3. Paung sambal ikan, sounds tummy goes paung paung paung....hungry!

  4. donuts...simply yummy!

    From me to you, suejean =)

  5. oh lovely Blog u've got here :) well yeah i do love reading , maybe we can chat one day and talk about book that we've read :)



  6. mNhl- hometown is not K.T. That's Joshua Papa's hometown

    Pete- i think if you google the recipe, you can make better paung :)Talented father.

    LPM & SJ : yummy but have to diet later. Eat first think later..kakaka

    AD_Queen- yup would like that too


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