
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 24 September 2009

Bazaar Ramadan At The Floating Mosque

Enough of Bazaar Ramadan at Dataran Shahbandar. This round, Yee Poh bring us to Bazaar Ramadan at the Floating Mosque. The Mosque is really floating on a lake of water.

I've seen it with my own eyes.

The Bazaar here was on a smaller scale. The usual food. Kuih-Muih

Something that looked like Cendol but not cendol.


Wah...drinks in the colours of rainbow. Fresh orange, grape, watermelon, honey dew and etc.

Gulai Kawah. Smell nice.

Rows and rows of Ayam Guling. Kalah Kenny Rogers.

Rojak and noodles
Yam yam yam Ayam!

Pulut lepa. Sure Kaw Kaw Lay Chit jealous when she saw this.

Well, Ramadan time. Makan tu makan, donate to donate la cikit kalau mampu..


  1. Hi! Blog hopping and first time visitng your blog.

    I missed on all those yummy food and Hari Raya Open House as I had my confinement end of last month and this month; just out yesterday.

  2. drinks in mini packets. nice!

    From me to you, suejean =)

  3. Rose: Thanks for visiting. You still have time for Raya visiting. Raya is 1 month :). Nice blogs you have there. Have added into my Follow List

    LPM & SJ : Many foods and drinks. Come home have to diet liao.


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