
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 9 September 2009

I Love Maggi

*Korek*korek*korek* No more Maggi Noodles ah?

I love noodles and the easiest to cook is Maggi Instant Noodles.Just look closely at the above video. Look at how fast I can slurrrrrp up the noodle. Eh...Maggi going to sponsor me some more noodle or not?


  1. I didn't introduce instant noodles to my son... Ur kid seems really like maggi.. haha!~

  2. Maggi mee, kids sure like it.....adults too, just like me.....he he he! LOL!

  3. This little boy makan pakai hentam aje. To me, everything can as long as eat moderately :)

  4. Not only Maggi. Any type of yellow noodles he also like. Past life must've been an Italian :p

  5. past life been a noodle maker la...his great grand pa...

  6. Oh...I never allow my son to eat maggi. But what you said is true "Everything also can eat, but eat moderately". I think now too late...because I have already trained my son to became a "pricky eater". :(

  7. mNhL- Pricky eater is better than not eating. At some stage, kids will start to refuse food. Then we will scratch our head on how to get them to eat


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