
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 20 September 2009

Hasan's Rojak, SS2(In Front of Kings)

Papa felt like eating Indian Rojak. Heard that there is one nice Indian Rojak at SS2. In a van. Normally parked in front of King's Bakery opposite Eon Bank Bhd. Found this Rojak Hasan.

Very clean. Rojak biasa RM3-30 and Rojak Sotong RM4. And very noodles.

Papa bought Rojak Sotong. Quite a big packet. Generous portion. Taste good. Just too bad that the goreng goreng things are not so crunchy anymore. Maybe due to we tapau home instead of eating there.


  1. it looks yummy!
    back in uni.. i always order rojak.. very nice! =D

  2. looks scrumptious! not tat expen also thou.

    ps you're invited to comment on my post too =)

  3. Ouh...I love Indian Rojak and I can't find it at Sibu here.

    You have a nice blog..first time droppin by your blog.


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