
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday 6 September 2009

Kafe Loong Grill Fish

This is a very late post. Went to this place more than a month ago but Mamarazzi forgot to upload the photos to her computer. And then the PC konk-out and then the....long story. Okay back to the topic. Saw many blogs about this Loong Grill Fish located at Ara Damansara, the NZX there.

*Acting like Samseng* Hmm..not bad, not bad. Many very impresive taller than me signboard.

Just look at all that! Tv show, Chinese Newspapers, English Newspaper and etc.

Waiter! Menu please and Carlsberg satu!

Carlsberg lai ler

Huh!? really ah? Tipu punya. No bubbles pun. Chinese tea. Aiya, buat suspense aje. And no, they don't serve alcohol to underage kids.

Now, back to business. What to order?

Mali~Mali~Hom! THE MENU!

Nen Nen Squids??? Sorry ah..gua no more sucking Nen Nen. I drink milk thru my milk bottle already. If we didn't order that, what did we ordered?

Claypot Pork With Salted Fish. This dish was so aromatic till a fly also flew into the shop. Taste good.
Another dish is crab. Taste ordinary.
Prawns ...also ok-ok

Fried Brinjal. Very nicely fried. Love this dish.

Is that what I think it is? *Claypot Taufu - AGAIN*

Claypot taufu(Yup, Aunty Alice it's the same thing again). Coz Mamarazzi kept sumbat me makan Taufu. Good for the skin wor.Anyway, this one taste do~re~mi~fa~SO~SO~la.

Sheong Thong Lala. Wow! they even put in Kei Zhi. Very "pou" but the soup is still not as nice as the one at Restaurant Yalim Lim, Pandamaran. And these Lala is a different type. Not thick shells. Not as nice.

Uh~la~la~ the VVIP or rather VVID(Very very important dish). Grilled Fish. After all, this is Kafe Loong Grill Fish, right? We ordered Ikan Pari Bakar Tom Yam Style. Despite the big huh hah, Mamarazzi found it ordinary aje. Nothing outstanding about it. A bit too spicy/hot.

Conclusion, the food here taste ordinary despite all the huh hah made by TV and Newspapers. Pricing is not that expensive. The total bill for the five of us comes up to about RM100 with a few odd sen. Oh ya...the correct term according Mamarazzi's former Manager is sen and not cents since we are talking in terms of Malaysian Currency


  1. I have passed by this restaurant a few time....didn't see many patrons inside. But then NZX is a rather quiet place.

  2. NZX is crowded during CNY or Xmas only. I also don't know much about this restaurant. There are many good reviews in various blogs. That's why we went and try it out. Well, maybe my taste buds is different from others gua :p


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