
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 7 April 2016

The New Ecover Zero Challenge

How is your week so far? For me it has been great.

Monday no need to go to school. School closed for Cheng Beng.

That's the occasion/festival which Chinese go and pray for their ancestors. Very important  occasion coz if the ancestors  are "comfortable ", the future  generations  will benefit.

Mamarazzi  saw in Facebook (dunno where lah) , got people hire dancers to dance in front of their ancestors grave for the ancestors spirit to watch. does this work ah? The Granddad and great great great granddads can see the lenglui dancing but what about the grandma ya? When night falls will someones ear gonna be pulled kot?

For me.. Monday Papa bring me jalan jalan in the new Aeon Shah Alam Mall. Just opened mid last month but surprisingly  most of the shops are opened.

Also received invite to be "white mice"(guinea pig) to try out the new Ecover Zero range before it's  being sold in Malaysia.

Fuiyoh...Ecover products wor...of course must try out lah.

The description from the sponsor :-

Ecover is one the largest green companies in Belgium that only produces household cleaning products that derived from plants and minerals. The products are dermatologically tested and it is recommended to use on baby and people with sensitive skin. Very often, people find it difficult to breath after using the harsh cleaning detergent, it is dangerous as it could lead to lung infection after using for a long period of time.

There are 2 ecover ranges in Malaysia.
1) Ecover Normal Range – (bathroom cleaner, Dish detergent, Kitchen cleaner and laundry detergent)
2) Ecover Zero Range     - ( Dish Detergent and Laundry Detergent Only).

Rest assured with the cleaning ingredients as both ecover normal and ecover zero do not contain phosphate as well as harmful chemicals . There are highly recommended for baby and also people who has sensitive skin. The differences between both ranges are ecover zero does not contain fragrance, colouring. Also, ecover zero is tested by UK Allergy

Mamarazzi can't wait to try out Ecover Zero Non-Bio Laundry Liquid and Ecover Zero Fabric Conditioner.

Guess what she is going to try it out on? 

My stinky lamb-lamb. I had it since I was 6months old. Now my stinky lamb-lamb is 7 1/2 years old. Said must try it out on lamb-lamb as i like to "nosey" lamb-lamb. Since Ecover Zero does not contain  harmful chemicals, testing it out on lamb-lamb would be perfect. No worries on allergic reaction when I "nosey" lamb-lamb after washing.

I really hate it whenever Mamarazzi  give lamb-lamb a bath in the washing machine. So, which one do you think will win? Will the new Ecover Zero Non-Bio Laundry Liquid vanquish the stinks from my lamb-lamb or will the stinks remain?

Stay tune for further updates. Will let you know the result after trying out the new Ecover Zero Non-Bio Laundry Liquid and the new Ecover Zero Fabric Conditioner. 


  1. What's that? A lamb? Bet it smells so good after a "bath".

  2. My bet... lamb-lamb will smell good after the bath. But will quickly regain the ori smell. :)

    1. I had to make sure it regain it's original smell fast

  3. So modern argh? Dance in front of the ancestors for the ancestors to see or they want to see oh? Hmmm...

  4. Wah so nice, Monday no school.. Here everything usual.. Best la, papa take go kaikai..

  5. The lamb sure needs a bath! Better smell nice so you can hug it after bath.

    Ecover brand is good!

  6. I think most people are like that with their erm, "bantal busuk" one, even grown ups :P

  7. So good, no school on Monday, here, the school as usual during Cheng Beng...

  8. Great photos and the lamb is adorable. :)

  9. I used to have a bantal busuk when small and I hated it when my grandma washed it. The smell no more but after a while I will get back the ori smell hee..hee...

    1. are the same as me. Did you bring it into the car so that your grandma couldnt find it?

  10. Wah...your lamb looks very 'abused' leh. No fragrance...hmmm..would like to know what's the smell like after bath.

    1. Hahaha.....been with mefir 8 year...he is quite an old lamb

      No smwll after bath...very bland to me. I want his ori smell

  11. Small kucing is so relaxed sitting in the hanging chair in photo 1. Bantal busuk must not be washed to retain the smell, hehehe.

  12. Wah another new product? Thanks for sharing, may be will give it a try next time ;)

  13. Nice eco product. I should get one and try as well.

  14. I think lamb-lamb will come out good as new after this wash ^.^

    1. It vame out still old looking but then all the "lovely" smell which i saved for whole month gone....

  15. I kept looking at the firs photo so many times!!! Oh my, this boy is so big now. I cannot believe it that he is no longer mama's baby boy lah. Another few years more, he will goyang the same swing with girlfriend. Bwahahaha

    So now this big boy will do all the laundry and household cleaning for mama and papa! Good products like this must always share so that I will always try lah! Got free sample kah small boy??

    1. Kena mamarazzi bullied to do house chores lo


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