
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday 24 August 2011

Sri Petaling Steamboat Palace, Seri Petaling Again

Earlier of this month we went to Sri Petaling Steamboat Palace at Seri Petaling. We had a great time the first round.

This round Papa arranged for dinner with his old friends pulak. Go to Buka Puasa Buffet sure very crowded and expensive. Cheapest would be around RM50++. 

Well, since we got such a great service from Sri Petaling Steamboat Palace last time, it was decided we go makan here again.

Auntie Little Bird was there too coz Mamarazzi wanna kejar hutang. Must kejar her till pants also tanggal. 

A friend got "Change of Plan" book, written by Auntie Little Bird. She asked Mamarazzi to help her get Auntie Little Bird's autograph. Must tell Auntie Little Bird tak baik to procrastinate. Hutang must bayar fast fast. Bring along signing pen for her already! so many crabs!..

 I want one.

Huh...see only ah...cannot touch? Ya hor...later crab crab kiap my birdie fingers.

 This round we had Tomyam and Herbal Soup base.

Eh? Two only? What about me? Papa one, Mamarazzi leh?

I thought I ganas. But Auntie Little Bird more ganas.  Haven't arrived yet, already tell Mamarazzi to order grill crabs for her.

Luckily after Papa's friends arrived, we ordered more crabs. Steam crabs and Grilled Crabs.

Aiks! what  happened to all the crabs just now? Gone into our tum tum? *Hope the taukeh of the shop don't read this post*

Noticed not many tables ordered the crabs. Maybe they didn't know it's included in the Buffet?

(Update 10/10/2011- Heard from a friend that now the crab is limited to one crab per person).

Actually we had other food also. Not solely crabs. Didn't bother to snap photos of the ingredient of the Steamboat coz have already posted about it last round.

This round we had quite a bit of fried stuffs. We choose and they fry for us immediately.

Otak-Otak. Papa and his friends had this. They said very good. Now Mamarazzi regret didn't eat this pulak.

The staffs grilled some prawns, fish and BBQ Chicken wings for us. 

Funny to see Auntie Little Bird's face eating the grilled Bamboo Clam for the first time. She saw the thing look rather ugly but the after a bite or two, she loved it.

Mamarazzi had a really tough time to collect all the shells to show you how much she ate. 

The staffs were very efficient. Unlike some other buffet steamboat restaurant, here the staffs saw our plates a bit full aje; they will come and change new plate for us.
Yay! can eat more.

I didn't eat much. Only ate a few bites of crabs and prawns. Also had 2 fishballs and half a sausage. I was busy eyeing the Ice-cream.

Finally had my bowl of Ice-cream.

While the adults were chatting, I went roaming. I came back to our table with a bottle of Vitagen. 

Mamarazzi asked where did I take from? I told her Uncle gave. If not mistaken, maybe it was one of the bosses or someone related to the restaurant. That Uncle got a cute little boy one.

She asked me if I had thanked the Uncle. I told her not. Mamarazzi pengsan-ed

They gave Loyalty Card. Get 9 chop and the 10th person eat for free. Not bad ya? They didn't charge for me though I exceeded the height. Maybe they saw that I didn't eat much.

Here is the address again in case you are interested to have a try :  Sri Petaling Steamboat Palace, No 28, Jalan 14/149L, Sri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur Tel : 018-3943388 / 012-2850110 MM Leong

Business hours : 5.30pm to 12.30am


Adult - RM27-60++
Child- RM13-90++(90cm to 130cm)


  1. Ultraman will be very proud of us. We helped him hapuskan the horrible Kiap Kiap monster untuk kebaikan and keamanan dunia. Wakakaka... NOM NOM NOM NOM~

  2. LOL!!! You only look happy after you have eaten. Oooo...crabs! I think our pandan chicken at one place here looks nicer - dunno about the taste...but ours here, very nice. Just very dirty, have to unwrap using hands to eat.

  3. I WANT!!!!! CRABS... SO CHEAP GEH!! when i got chance to go leh?

  4. huh..the price inclusive of the crab? syioknya!

  5. Quite long didn't eat steamboat liao...

  6. Crab crab here I come... Need to arrange a blogger gathering there like what we did in YUEN.

  7. "Auntie Little Bird was there too coz Mamarazzi wanna kejar hutang. Must kejar her till pants also tanggal"

    Hahaha, what hutang is that??

    Nice crabs you had there btw

  8. Will try this out one day, I like steam bot..

  9. nice crabs!! but how no photos on the steamboat?? sure not so nice mamarazzi don't bother to mention, haha!! walau, somemore steamboat palace leh.. :D

  10. I haven't been for a steamboat for quite some time already..missed it.

  11. hi mamarazi @ small kucing...i have been a silent reader of your blog for quite some all your story and picture...ur boy is also soo cute...

    by the way, may i know whether this restaurant is halal or not..sebab tak tahan lah tengok the crab...:)

    see u...

  12. Have you tried steamboat in Taman Taynton cheras? It's super duper yummy!~

  13. free vitagen ar! So nice. haha...

  14. hehehe wow ketam mamarazzi buat saya lapar now :P nasib baik tak berliur lagi ...

  15. Sounds a good place to check for steamboat, nice otak-otak for a change.

  16. Auntie Cleff

    Ultraman pulak jadinya

  17. STP

    Export some pandan chic to here la :)

  18. TZ

    then you better call up the restaurant first lo. To warn them LOL

  19. Isaac

    Book signing hutang lor. She very pandai "ular" one. Pandai give excuses. Kejap tarak bring pen la, kejap tarak this la tarak that la. This round we siap bring signing pen. No more excuses

  20. Mummy Moon

    Hope you like it too lo

  21. SK

    Already posted last round about the steamboat lo. This round post abt the crabs lo :p

  22. Marie

    Thanks for dropping a comment . The place is non-halal .

  23. Prince and Princess Mum

    Ooo...never been to that one before

  24. mNhL

    Ya free Vitagen lo...

  25. Nava

    Last round didnt have the otak otak. This round had. Nice.

  26. Oh, Chee Yee didn't make it tht night? Wah, u guys walloped so much crabs,dai dou lan(worth it)!

    Luckily Auntie Little Birdie staying close to my mom, hehehe... can ambush anytime!;D

  27. wah, lots of food......I haven't visited this place....

  28. Pete

    Go la Seri Petaling now a lot of good food

  29. For those like to eat crab, very worth it. For those who don't wanna eat crab, then not too worth it. Coz the steamboat liu not many choices only. And for some liu, after finish already they don't bother to replenish too.

  30. Crabs included? quite good wor...can cook for u too...

  31. Chee Yee

    Steamboat liu come and go is the few types. If they put a lot we also tarak eat everything. For me it's good enough. Got prawn, scallops, bamboo clam, sotong and fishball. As for the oink oink meat, have to ask them lo.

  32. Choi Yen

    ya included. Maybe some people don't know. They tarak ordered kakakaka

  33. Wah, paiseh for me, my hubby and I stayed in Sri Petaling so long (hubby even longer becos he grew up there!) also didn't know got such good steamboat deal! Wah, if get to eat the mud crabs together with steamboat items for a flat price of almost RM28 per person is considered very good deal already. One day must go!

  34. Alice

    No surprise coz it's new shop. Behind the Saujana school there

  35. I really wanna try this place but too far for me ):

  36. Hilda

    Not that far la. Use Kesas lo. 2 tolls sampai liao


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