
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday 19 August 2016

June - Makan Trip to Ipoh

Remember my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary and Ah Kung's 80th birthday celebration in June? 

My Kaw Kaw planned it with Papa and fly back to join the celebration. She came back early and it was a school holiday, we decided to go on a makan trip to Ipoh.

Go Ipoh of course must look for Auntie Claire. Wahhhhh!!!! a big WELCOME gift from Auntie Claire. Yumz.....

 After chatting some, we went to a relative house and I got to paddle in the pool . Syoknya.....

That evening Auntie Claire bring us to Restarrant Tuck Kee at Jalan Theater coz Mamarazzi missed eating this. Steamed octopus. So delicious.

Not only that leh....she even ordered a plate of braised chicken feet for me . 

I love it and practically finished the whole plate by myself

 Also had Wat Tan Hor noodle. Eat till very full leh and yet Auntie Claire worried that we are not full enough. 

Off we went to Restaurant Fong Wei Ge Hotpot.  The soup was pretty good .  Very appetising.

Plus a plate of Salted Egg Yolk fried Chicken. 

Uiks? Where's the photo of the Mun Yee Mee ah? Hmm...must have been too busy eating till forgotten to snap photo. 

That evening really full to the max . Auntie Claire suggested to go and have Ice Cream I also had to wave white flag. 

We had a good rest that night in the hotel and continue with more makan trip the next day. 

The  next morning we arranged to have breakfast with Auntie Claire and Auntie Wenn at  Restaurant Sin Choi Yuen at Taman Pertama.

I had Loh Mee. Hmm...didn't really like it coz different from the ones in KL. 

Mamarazzi had this delightful bowl of Wantan noodles with Dumplings. She loves the dumplings a lot as it's full of yummy ingredients. Similar to the ones she made at home. And surprisingly it only cost RM3.50. 

 Papa and Kaw Kaw shared the Char Keoy Teow and 

 The Hong Kong Chee Cheong Fun. Am not sure how it taste coz didn't ask them

 Then Auntie Wenn and Auntie Claire ordered this for us to try. Glutionuos Rice with kaya. Look simple but taste good leh.

After the heavy breakfast, we drop by Auntie Wenn's  shop. Mamarazzi bough some dried stevia leaves and some  dried flowers to make soup.

Despite the stevia leaves are the dried type, she can see that it's still very fresh. The price is much cheaper than the place where she usually buy the stevia leaves.

Next time must buy some more from there.

Paiseh....Auntie Wenn also gave us some "hand letters" . Thank you very much Auntie Wenn.

 Second round breakfast at the hotel. Actually my heart was not into eating . i wanted to swim aje. The swimming pool was right by the cafe in the hotel .

Ah...that was a very enjoyable trip. Thank you Auntie Claire, Auntie Wenn and Auntie Nancy for everything . 


  1. June? Wahhhhhh!!!! Way overdue lor. Ekkkk!!!! Chicken claws!!! LOL!!! Are those pancakes and sausages you had for your hotel breakfast? So cute!

  2. So nice lah go Ipoh makan-makan. Strangely, I haven't had durian yet. So sad :(

  3. U know what I went to the "another" Tuck Kee on my last Ipoh trip >_< Not only that, I also went to the wrong place for Yong Tao Foo which initially Under The Big Tree but now they moved to space next to it ~>_<~

  4. A very intensive food course in IPOH!! hahahaa

    1. Aye aye Maam. Thanks a lot for showing us all the yummy food

  5. Wow! You eat chicken feet? My kids will run away seeing this!!

    Nice foodie adventure in Ipoh.

  6. Wah! This is one wonderful foodie trip! The one that I am eyeing is the durian! Ha ha!

  7. That pool looks very refreshing!!

    1. It was a hot day . I had great time playing water

  8. Yummy and interesting food...your son is adorable!!

  9. Hello, that is a lot of food. The pool looks nice, glad you had a fun time.Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend!

  10. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all the yummy food you ate, a real feast. Thanks for sharing all that. So interesting.

  11. Wah lots of great food. I not been to Ipoh yet la huhu

  12. I opposite with you, i don't eat chicken feet, hehe... But loves all the other foods, hehe...

    1. Like that ngum la...we can share. I eat the chicken feet and you eat the meat , ok😊

  13. Stunning looking food, a real feast.

  14. Should travel a bit up North to come Taiping la! It's a food heaven also ler! :p

    1. Not enough time. One of these days must go Taiping

  15. The food looks great and the pool looks inviting and refreshing! :)

  16. Looks like you ate your way through your trip. You ate very well too.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  17. You have grown so much! You must take the "small" out of your blog title! Claire always knows where to find the best food. My favorite would be the loh mee and the egg fried chicken.

    1. Hahahaha...i will be taller than Mamarazzi soon.

      Yes Auntie claire can be nickname adls Ipoh Food Mayor

  18. Hi There, WOW---so much delicious food... Think I'd choose the wantan noodles and dumplings.... AND of course, I'd take some Ice Cream.... THEN--I'd either be ready for a nap or to go swimming in that pool.


    1. You have the same taste buds as Mamarazzi. She then would rest a bit by reading a book

  19. That was a wonderful culinary tour!

  20. Life is good. Keep blessed always:)

  21. Everyday looking at Reana Claire's post, you will know you can't go wrong with her as foodie guide. Happy holiday.

  22. That's why I don't believe auntie Claire when she always claims she is a small eater. Every time you go find her she will stuff you all (and probably herself) silly with all those yummy food until you raise white flag!

    1. Oh ...yes she is a small eater. Aleat a bit here a bit there. Hence can sample so many types of food.

  23. Wow such long marriages is wonderful!! The food pics are always interesting looking...and I notice someone is growing up!

  24. What a nice house with a small pool. That is ideal to soak and relax! Shiok ha.

    I have eaten at this Tuck Kee Restaurant very long ago. I must recall what I ate there.

    1. Great for a hot day.

      There seems to be two Tuck Kee

  25. Wow all that food. Luckily SK likes to eat.

  26. Aiyo, all my kind of food. Mouthwatering now.

    1. Writing this postvwas hard..coz can see the photos but can't

  27. Waa...a lot of good food. I've had Ipoh's Tuck Kee octopus and braised chicken feet twice already! Absolutely love it ..xx


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