
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Empty Pages on a Sunday?

Hello hello...for those who are frequent follower of this blog, you would know that Mamarazzi would tell a story from Enid Blyton book about Christ on Sunday. This have been going on for the past two year.

Well, all good things must come to an end. Maybe this blog would come to an end one of these days. She finally finished the two books.

Now she doesn't know what to write on a Sunday. Any suggestion? Shall we leave Sunday slot blank? or post like it's just any other day?


  1. Can go on a Sabbath on Sunday...good to practice, but if Mamarazzi wants, can simply do book review on Christian stories or Christian fics. =D Or... can simply tell fairy tales. Auntie likes fairy tales. :D

  2. OR...*shameless self promotion* your mamarazzi can ask ur Auntie Little Bird to tell stories on her behalf as a guest blogger. She can tell wicked children stories, I tell u! Her upah very cheap only. Just feed her makan bihun goreng can liao.LOL!

  3. oh, don't stop because you have no books to read.. just blog like normal days lah, sure there are lots of food you'd like to share?? :p

  4. This blog would come to an end? You are scaring us please. Maybe i would suggest you post like is just any other day, than keeping it blank.

  5. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.......... cant have it blank... let's post about what the`boy had been doing at school

  6. Haven't been out eating lately?

  7. I never know what to blog about so I cannot give any advice:)

  8. if u want a theme..then tell stories from the Bible lo..

  9. Sunday, rest day, cannot blog....

  10. you could start on another book and post it up on sundays! XD you have a loyal reader here.. i do try my best to be here daily XD

  11. I have learned to take a break on Saturdays or Sundays from some time. I find that its getting hectic coping with my weekend of cooking, cleaning and the rest I need to catch up during weekend.

    Suppose it should be fine Kathy and I think its us who decide what is best and whether we have the time for blogging during weekends.

    I am still away and should be back by Wed. Till then will keep in touch or if I can find internet connection in between.

  12. have a break...write only when you feel like it:P

  13. Don't let this blog come to an end )):

  14. SK

    LOL...too much food readers will vomit :p

  15. LG

    He? Hmm...been kek sei teachers there lo

  16. STP

    Got but thinking that Sunday do something speacial

  17. Isaac

    have to korek from the store room :(


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