
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday, 31 January 2016

My Coming Birthday Cake

A friend Whatsapps Mamarazzi  the photo of a cake. She thought "hey, got potential  leh....easy to make and not costly". 

Hence, tonight while she was cooking dinner ..she tried her hand making similar cake but with different  ingredients. 

Mamarazzi  called me to fetch her phone. Said wanna snap photo of the cake wor....

But when i came to the  kitchen...all i saw is this...hey...where's the cake..?

She asked me to look from the side....Jeng jeng! A piece of "cake".

Said she love this cake wor...maybe even make this into my birthday  cake...

My birthday  cake?????


  1. Muahahaha! Look at your face in last photo. So sad!!

  2. Your mamarazzi should make Nasi Kunyit as birthday cake. More meaningful and common now.

    1. Nasi kunyit shd said have to make curry chicken leh...she tarak pandai cook that

  3. Wahaha. Look at small kucing's face!! Kolian loh. Haha. Sorry, I can't stop laughing.

    But indeed a very creative cake.

    1. Ho cham oh....i wonder who srnd thd that idea....

  4. It looks like cake....

    It is a cake.

  5. Your mama is so creative...

    The last picture, hahaha....

    1. She copied other ppl idea. The original was nasi lemak with sambal as the "cream" of the cake.

  6. Why so sad? Your cake very unique....ask all your friends, no-one has this cake!! :D

  7. Hahaha...I saw the nasi lemak version!! Mamarazzi is hilarious ..

  8. Ha ha Sorry, your sad face in the last photo makes me laugh. On the positive side, your cake very special and healthy too.

  9. hehehe....awwwww, he had something else in mind!!! i'm with him!!!!

  10. Haaapy Birthday from Poland, The birthday cake is different from European ones but I think delicious.

  11. Your mother is very creative and clever. :)

  12. Wishing you the best year YET! Happy Birthday

  13. what a face on that little guy. happy? not!

  14. It's not every day you get a chicken wing with your cake. Very unique.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  15. Don't,cry...not your birthday cake la...maybe for Daddy WK hehehe

  16. They now have nasi lemak in the form of a cake too. Great! Not so sweet. Hehehehehe!!!!

  17. kakakaka...creative presentation of cake from your mama. Next time have rendang on top too. nice one!

  18. Hope the cake tastes nice!

  19. muahahahaha!! Is that a yam cake? Yam cake as a birthday cake is quite unique leh. I actually don't mind :)

  20. Wah, this cake got a lot of rice wor in it, once you eat it, you will be very full. Your Mamarazzi is so creative to do this nasi-cake for you.

  21. SK.. your mummy is very interesting! So full of ideas!

  22. hahahaa.....Very nice savoury cake! I like!! Very creative too...

  23. Okay, still an invention I would say.

  24. LOL? Indeed a very unique piece of cake!

  25. Haha! I like it, it's very creative. :)

    It's nice to make things like a regular meal "fun" for the kids. I couldn't see how it was a cake when I dropped by yesterday but came again today and looked very hard and I realized you meant a slice of cake. I thought you were kidding at first.

  26. Thats a wonderful cake from a loving mama! Happy Birthday and God Bless you always

  27. hehe!! so creative leh.. Small Kucing's birthday coming soon, then Mamarazzi can make one at home for Small Kucing already, no need to buy from Uncle Baker lah, now everything so expensive right?? hehe~~ :p

  28. so spontaneous of Mamarazzi huh?? got Whatsapp from friend and right away she can whack up something similar in the kitchen, hehe!! Uncle SK also wants to try to make one lah like that, hehe!! creative and cute woh~~ :p

  29. Uncle SK believes this impromptu cake was an experimental one from Mamarazzi only.. if really wanna make a proper one, sure looks a lot better, Small Kucing don't frown lah, haha.. maybe the egg can be sandwiched between the rice macam cream within cake, then the mince meat sprinkled nicely like chocolate chips, finally the chicken like fruit deco, nice idea huh?? :)

  30. Hahaha... Poor Kucing ! Go and enjoy the chicken wing ! Looks good !

  31. The last photo is so epic and funny! Hahahaha.. I love the expression of Small Kucing.
    Actually lately I saw people posted making Nasi Lemak as birthday cake. U should try make one

  32. Look at Small Kucing's sad face, so "ke lian". I think kids will prefer normal cream cake, this maybe mamarazzi can make for papa or yourself LOL

  33. Hahaha! This is so cute! I saw the nasi lemak cake circulating in FB & I thought that's so adorable. Happy birthday! xoxo

  34. Whoa! Your mama is so creative! Nevertheless HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMALL KUCING! *Muaks*

  35. Haha poor boy!

    That doesn't look like cake ler... I saw a 'nasi lemak cake' recently on FB. It was round, had candles and looked much more like a cake. And you can cut wedge-shaped slices. :)

  36. A fun post....cake is cake. The idea behind it is will remember this in years to come!!! Trust me.

    Happy Birthday by the birthday is on the 9th!!

  37. haha .. that's actually really cute so no need of that sad face huh
    advanced happy birthday to you! Cheers!

  38. LOL....maybe can make square bak zhang next time.

    So sad his face looking. Kesian kena mamarazzi sabotage hahahah

  39. Blessings...
    Oh no! I think she is only teasing?
    You didn't say when is your birthday. Never the less, happy birthday and I hope you get a real cake!

  40. exotic
    made with abundant of love and effort
    gong xi fatt cai :D


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