
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Chap Goh Mei / Chinese "Valentine" Day 2015

I better brag post about our Chap Goh Mei celebration before it become too stale. Chap Goh Mei is the considered as the last day of Chinese New Year Celebration and also "Chinese Valentine Day".

On this day, if you did have enough of Mandarin Oranges or Bananas to eat..or maybe too stingy  late to buy can always go to the nearby Lake Garden and scoop up some of these fruit. Heard that this only happens in Malaysia. 

Yup...on this day, those single girls will throw mandarin oranges with their phone number written on the oranges into the Lake. The guys who are single or pretend to be single will go and scoop up the Mandarin oranges. And latest trend is that some guys will also throw Banana into the Lake with their phone numbers written there...hmmmmm.....

Nah....I didn't get to join in the fun. Underage and also it was a school night. Instead, we just had boring dinner at home.

 Mamarazzi cooked Soy Sauce Chicken with Wood or was it black fungus. Wokay la...I like the gravy la. 

 Made some assam prawns out of the leftover prawns from the open house

 And mixed vegetables out of the steamboat leftover. 

 But lucky me.....

 Uncle Twilight Man gave us a big box of Yee Sang.Thank you very much Twilight Man!

 Supposed to open this box of yee Sang during the Open House but there was just too much food.

Since it was the last day of Chinese New Year, papa said hentam open it up and eat la. 

 Lucky me...I enjoyed it so much....up up and up...must toss high high....the higher the better. I love eating this so much that I asked Mamarazzi whether she can "cook" this again next day but she said cannot. Only available during Chinese New hoo hoo....

Another boo hoo is that I had to wash my own school shoes and "paint" them coz Mamarazzi said she is tired of washing them daily. Coz every day I came home from school my school shoes turned gray. She asked what did I do in school. Purposely stepping on my own shoes ka?


  1. Wah Small Kucing, so happeninglah your Chap Goh Mei day, got yee sang to lou. Cannot everyday wash shoes, Mamarazzi will be so tired and the shoes also cepat rosak.

    1. Shoes dirty have to wash lor else cikgu will scold

  2. ALL boys get their shoes dirty. It is a ritual of boyhood. Means you are healthy and playing a lot. But maybe it is good for you to clean them sometimes. Sad that it is the last day of celebration...

    1. Last day of celebration but there is always next year :)

  3. Poor thing! I hated washing my shoes too. So so so boring. :D

    1. boring but still have to wash else kena cikgu scold/punish leh

  4. Let me recall what I ate on CGM.. Oh yeah, lou tong sik farn only.. Boiled a pot of soup the day before, then on CGM, came home boil rice and steam egg, thats all.. No go mi house, everyone working, jam somemore..

  5. Lovely dinner at home.

    Good boy, washing own shoes. I think I should get my girl to wash her own now. ;)

    1. got to lo coz mamarazzi said beh tahan my shoes so dirty daily

  6. Oh what a feast, all so yummylicious

  7. Yummy post, and that sure is a good boy!

  8. yeah.. I actually think it's a brilliant idea for the ladies to throw mandarin oranges while the guys throw bananas.. like that then can target correctly lah.. because if all throw oranges, then they will also grab some that are of the same gender, then they will throw that away and there gone one chance for that person.. Mamarazzi didn't go Amcorp Mall that day?? the lake garden beside has this throw orange banana activity every year leh~~ of course, Uncle SK heard but never go la :D

    1. No wonder la Banana price shot up during CNY. LOL

      Orange throwing at Amcorp mall lake have become annual event ah? didnt know that

  9. hehe.. pandai Mamarazzi to cook one nice meal out of all those leftover, hehe!! and really looks good woh, like she went to the market in the morning to get those studfs to be cooked at night only.. haha!! Small Kucing likes the gravy lor, so this indirectly means he no "yan seong" the chicken and the black fungus is it?? so bad la~~ :p

    1. else sayang

      hehehe.....ya lor dun like the mok yee

  10. aiyoh so nice of Uncle TM to give a box of Yee Sang to Mamarazzi leh.. now Uncle SK wonders if Mamarazzi scolded Small Kucing while they were tossing the yee sang or not?? because when tossing, sure get excited, and when too excited we tend to mess with the tossing and in the end half of the yee sang landed on the table!! haha.. and Mamarazzi gotta clean up the mess~~ :p

    1. tarak scold coz me very "si Mun" when tossing yee sang LOL

  11. patutlah Small Kucing gotta wash his own shoes lah.. like that only he will be responsible to keep his shoes clean and not taking for granted somebody else will clean for him even if he dirties the shoes.. yes, must make him wash and paint himself, and I guess next time his shoes will be so clean that he only needs to wash it once a week :p

  12. Honestly, until now I hate washing shoes..haha.

  13. Good morning small kucing,
    That's a great feast for Chap Goh Mei. You are so much rajin than my daughters... they wont "paint" their school shoes at all!.... at least save me a lot of money ...hahaha!

  14. Everything looks great, and I love your photos. :)

  15. Those foods your mama cook makes me hungry hungry liao...

    1. hahaha......look nice but taste...ahem ahem

  16. Poor boy... paint shoes also painted the feet...

  17. Lol... 'purposely stepping on your own shoes'. I still remember the 'paint' shoes part, using chalk ka apa, lupak. hahaha

    1. last time emergency...use the black board chalk to paint before school assembly

  18. I remember there was a game where we form circles then each person must take turns to jump towards the person next to him/her and step on his/her shoes. Whoever's shoes got stepped on will be "out". I forgot what this game is called.

    I suppose you are playing this game and not very good at it? XD

  19. Nice dinner leh! Next time ah, when you reach that age, please ah don't go and throw banana, OK? hee..hee...

    1. cannot ah? Then throw what ah? ah I know ...durian :p

  20. Oh I remembered those wash school shoes days. How many pair of school shoes do you have? Can dry with daily wash? I remember mine always took the whole weekend to dry.

  21. Banana? That's new. Good, washing shoes on yoir own. Very indipendent.

  22. Good boy, washing & painting your own shoes. My son wore the white Adidas school shoes, so there's no need to paint at all. Ask your mummy to get you those :D

    1. Gotta ask Mamarazzi go find Adidas school shoes then

  23. Happy Chap Goh Mei with nice and tasty food.

    1. Thanks Thomas. Hope you had agood Chap Goh Mei too

  24. Small Kucing, this aunty at your age also came back from school with very dirty shoes because I like playing games with the boys. Never mind lah, you wash your own shoes lah...hahaha

  25. Finally, CNY is over and everything is back to normal.

  26. eh....kucing makan good food only ah? Didn't throw mandarins ? hehehe

    1. too young to throw leh...uiks...wei...girl girl baru throw orange lehhhhhh

  27. Well that's a cool way to give someone your phone number.

  28. Ahh I remember by shoe-washing days and drying them behind the fridge! LOL! Luckily here the kids wear black leather shoes.. so no need washing! Woohoo!

    1. now those fridge and aircond not so goodgeh...nit much of hot air coming out :(

  29. Throw bananas with phone number?? Sound hilarious but anything is possible these days. Those dishes you made are certainly yummy. I still remember washing my school shoes and applying Bata white polish. If not kena hantam from mum.

    1. Gen Y concept LOL

      Mamarazzi said her school days usually shoes will be dirty by friday. if got spot check, classmates will take white chalk and "color" their shoes.

  30. I agree with Ginny's comment. It is true that all boys get their shoes dirty. :) This is part of enjoying life.

    1. Over here teachers very strict. During assembly they will check the cleanliness and tidiness of school uniform .

  31. Lol, throw banana into the river? hahaha! What the. I remember when I have to 'paint' my shoes back when I was in school. Malas. Let it be dirty. XD

    1. LOL...only paint for Monday school assembly, right?

  32. Have to wash daily the shoes? o.O" I remember I only washed once a week :P

    1. Mamarazzi beh tahan coz said my shoes too dirty liao

  33. That gravy of the soy sauce chicken very good 'lou fan sek' one, yummz!!

  34. interesting valentine's day tradition of throwing fruit in the water! cute shoe photo. :)

  35. LMAO!!! Wakakakakakaaka I die laighing here.

    This is the first time I heard the guys threw bananas with phone numbers. Did kaldip throw one too?

    1. what la...why you so not up todate one...go google...sure a lot...

      Kaldip throw? later mamarazi pulas teliga baru tau

  36. I hope you guys like the Yee Sang! Too bad next year, no celebrations for me next year but you can order from any Amway sellers.

    1. Thanks...yes did enjoy the Yee Sang. Yes have heard of this Amway Yee Sang before. Got membership but tarak buy


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