
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday, 6 November 2014

The Adenium Saga

Wanna hear a story? Wokay.... Once Upon A Time.....Mamarazzi tried planting Adenium. Seems easy to plant ma. The plant just need well drained soil and loads of sunlight...

So Mamarazzi took care of the plant and it flowered. Mamarazzi asked her friend how to get more plant out of this one plant. He advised to try hand pollinate the plant though success rate is low. She did just that. 

 Surprisingly....after some time...two little "horns" appeared. Friend told her that it takes 2 to 3 months for the seedpods to mature. 

 It was not an easy "pregnancy". As the "fetus" grow" the leaves started to yellow. 

More and more leaves dropped an subsequently that branch became "botak". Still the seedpods was hanging on for their life.

Friend advised her to wrap the seedpods as when they are "ripe" the pods would burst. She did just that. Waiting patiently for them to mature. 

After nearly two months....yesterday morning Mamarazzi discovered the seedpods missing from the plant. Search....saw the pods were broken off and was on the car porch. The funny thing was...where the heck is the wrapper? The wrapper gone. Who or what had done it?

One of the pods seems to have been "penyet" a bit at one end.

She opened it up...full of seeds.....not fully matured....Hmm....not sure it can be use or not as the seeds that friend gave her was hard while these are still soft.

Mamarazzi said she will wait for the other seed pod to dry up...hopefully there will be some seeds that survive. A sad day indeed...



  1. wah, today's post banyak gardening jargon lah, haha!! Uncle SK also pretends to understand only lah, but overall he knows what Mamarazzi wanna say lah, hehe~~ :p

    1. Wah........So early wor SK.

      Not sleeping yet?

      Not gardening jargon leh. Just Mamarazzi sotplug rambling

  2. fuyoh, this plant really not easy to plant and maintain huh?? but when Uncle SK's mum was still around, we have many pots at home and all blooming very beautiful flowers leh.. so Uncle SK thought it's easy only, until he read this post by Mamarazzi.. kekeke!! :p

    1. See other people plant it like very easy wor...but when comes to Mamarazzi's hand...haiz....jialat

  3. very suspicious how come the pods suddenly missing and dropped and found it penyet on the porch without the wrapping!!! seems like kena sabotaged by somebody leh, who is the naughty person who did that??!!

    1. or the naughty cat.....been missing two days now...guilty feel kot

  4. Your mom is very patient! I do not think we have this plant here, but the flower is beautiful!

    1. yea...this plant likes hot weather. Not sure if your side have it. It's alternative name is Dessert rose

  5. When I see Adenium, I thought wats that.. Ingatkan superhero movie or Star Trek saga yada yada.. Oohhhh rupanyer it's a plant.. Not really into gardening now.. No space..Maybe later, huhuhu...

  6. Hope the other pod is fruitful one.

    1. the other pod also gone ...hence the heart break :(

  7. Sad ending but as the saying goes....NEVER GIVES UP!!!

    1. hope the plant will survive la coz leaves yellowing :(

  8. Could it be due to too much water (raining a lot nowadays) that the plant died? My Adenium grew horns two or three times and managed to produce seeds. I tried planting the seeds and it was successful. Try again.

    1. no wor....when raining Mamarazzi punggah them back inside...

  9. We have one growing in a salted egg jar, half alive and half dead. Hehehehehe!!!!! So nice, your big!!! See my post tomorrow.

  10. 那花,我阿公在世时,有种过。。。

    1. Don't understand la. I use google translate and i get is this "That flower, his grandfather was alive when I , too kind"

    2. She says when her grandfather was alive, he planted this adenium plant.

  11. Mamrazzi is tenacious la, that Auntie Lina can see. :)

    1. just hope the pokok wi;; be as tenacious la coz now it's yellowing liao

  12. Am not a garden person. I don't have a green hand ~

  13. I call this the dessert rose. My friend gave me a pot when we moved into our current house 10 years ago. It survived for many years, gave us beautiful mixed color blooms but never had the pods... I think one day it just dried up? I can't recall where the heck is it now, nor can I remember the "death"... lagi sad.

    Your seeds can plant one... more patience! If not, just pop by the nursery and buy one more pot... haha!

    1. Yup...that's the name for it.

      Wah mixed colour bloom ah...that is very precious type leh.

      Hope my seeds can plant la. Thanks.

  14. My one and only plant which had been with me for more than 10 years has died early this year...

  15. nothing about this.

  16. I tried growing but ended up in disaster. Yours in not there yet but still alive and kicking.

    1. yea wondering how some people can grow this effortlessly

  17. Aiya suspens and wasted only. I doubt the seeds are mature enough. Even after pods turn brown, they will take more days to dry up, then to split, then for seeds inside to dry and fly off. Nvm plant, can try again.

    I didn't know gotta hand-pollinate... some of my adeniums seem quite productive haha. The seeds have high germination rate but after that growth rate is soooo lembu.

    1. sad lor... :(

      You have a lucky hand when comes to this.

  18. Mamarazi really has talent in this field. 😊

  19. Must plant by seed? We plant more by just breaking off a branch from the existing plant and let it dry for a bit before sticking it into the ground. works for this adenium and frangipani too.

    1. Oh ya ka? didnt know this. Friend teach plant by seed and take care from baby

    2. For adenium and frangipani, I have picked up those cut branches people threw out after pruning their plants and stick them into the ground. Now they are growing well. You can try it too, after pruning your adenium, try planting from the cut branches. Can google on how to do it.

    3. Aha BUT if you do that, the plant will flower but won't develop the fat 'base' that is prized. The part that takes years to achieve. That's what the seller told me anyway. Mun, yours got nice fat base?

  20. I tried that once too...and it flowered (but not many lar)....and then it died :(
    The 'mama' plant (from where I cut off a part to replant) also died (from neglect)...and then my kucing knocked it down and broke the large vase...and everything ended up in the dumpster!

  21. I hope you get your seeds after all you have gone through to get them.

  22. Ahem.....very "interesting" story indeed, maybe I should tell this to Sam as her bedtime story tonight ^__^


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