
Mama Kucing Blogs

Friday, 10 July 2015

Big Bad Wolf Books Sale is in Ipoh Again (10th -20th July 2015)

(Photo taken from Big Bad Wolf Books Facebook)

Woohoo! BBW is back in Ipoh. Venue the same..that is PHL Convention Center, Menglembu, Ipoh. Time is from 10 am to 10pm daily starting today tiil 20th July 2015.

Just in case you didn't  know... they are giving RM10voucher  for every RM150 spend at the sale. Don't forget to claim your voucher ya.

(Photo credit to

Mamarazzi been eyeing the Archie 1000 page Comics-Palooza) in BBW facebook. RM12 only leh. Today school day ah...cannot go book hunting leh. 

Thank you very much to Elin for getting this for me plus the lovely BBW bookmark too. 


  1. Counting the day they really coming to Kuching.

    Archie! My brother has quite a collection of Archie and I used to read them. Read every of them.

  2. hah....BBWS on again and your mother sure siaw-siaw go and buy books again.

  3. Watch out, Ipoh!!! The Meow-meows have landed!!!!

  4. Replies
    1. Aloha

      Ya happy to have new book for the collection

  5. Wow, I got so excited when I read...RM150 voucher for RM150 spent....that means free lah!!! And then I saw the pic :(

    1. hahaha thanks for the tips...amended...ya lor ...too excited coz got the Archie book

  6. I remember when I was in highschool.. i used to borrow my friend's archie comics hehe but that one was so thick.. i wonder how many days can you spend reading them all

  7. Have no idea what you are talking about ... but am happy, that you are happy, little kitten ... smiles ... Love, cat.

    1. cut the long story short...friend managed to help me buy Archie Comic from at booksale

  8. What fun! I loved reading Archie comics when I was a little girl!

  9. wah, the BBWS nationwide roadshow is in Ipoh now!! Uncle SK guess all the book lovers from Ipoh, towns around and even from all over the nation will brave through the highways to make a stop there!!! but where is Mamarazzi??!!! xD

  10. just started only and still got time la, Mamarazzi can go to Ipoh for a short 2D1N trip during the weekend lah.. can borong books and also have makan trip there.. but too bad the Food Mayor of Ipoh is in the USA now, else can meet up~~ :)

  11. so nice of Auntie Elin to get the books and bookmarks for Small Kucing and Mamarazzi!! lovely.. and how many bookmarks has Manarazzi got for her collection already?? sure more than the love letters Paparazzi wrote to her by now, hahaha!!! :)

  12. My first trip to BBW with my friend on Friday but couldn't get the books I was looking for. Saw all the children's books and we were saying if only we had all these books during our young time. Those days books were so expensive!

    1. What book are you looking for? Come o KL Main sale. Sure will have books that suit you

  13. Your mama sure go camp there liao, teehee.. I see lots of goodies, comics and all.. I also want for my boys..

    1. camping...just sending "minions" :)

  14. Archie was my fave comic while growing up. So nostalgic!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  15. Thought you chase BBW until to Ipoh...

  16. ah, in Ipoh? I tot in KL pulak....

  17. You having a good summer so far, lil kitten? Love, cat.

    1. so far so good. only thing is we dont have long school holiday in the summer

  18. I like the Archie too! Wonder if Elin is going again.... Tumpsng tumpsng,...

  19. So your mama and papa will be in Ipoh soon! When will it come to KL?

  20. The timing so ngam, just as the same time as the bookfest...

  21. Wah BBW books sale are almost in every state in Msia now.


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