
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday, 29 October 2015

Hypermarket Stock Clearance & Discount; and EnviroHome Sample Giveaways

Aiyoyo.....Class party is tomorrow. This year special wor...Cikgu say parents can join our Class Party if they want to. Cikgu already gave Memo asking what food/drinks to bring for the Class Party.

I kept pestering Mamarazzi to join my class party as Cikgu say every student must bring food/drinks. See the highlighted words? My main aim is for Maria Mamarazzi to bring food for the Class Party but she said she is lazy wor. She said she will just buy some Soya Beans for me to bring to school. Okay lah...better than empty handed la.

Yesterday she went to a hypermarket to get the SoyaBean drink. While browsing around, a sign caught her eyes. It made  her "garu" her head.


Next to it is the placard showing the BEFORE and AFTER discount price. Noticed anything strange?

Mamarazzi had saw 1sen discount before but this....? Hmm.... was it typo error ? Or maybe the store just wanna clear the stock without giving any discount ...? Macam -macam ada kat Malaysia ni.

Anyway..... back to the grandmother story.... here are two sets of Baju Melayu that she "dig-up" from another Hypermarket. 70% clearance. Left one set . The Baju size 26 but the Pant size 38. Hmmm....wondering what happened to the matching pair to this.

Oh well...hentam la....Pants too long she can adjust it for me.  Gonna wear this to my Class Party tomorrow. Muhibbah Malaysia ma.

Also grabbed another set of Baju Melayu for me . This time, the pant just nice but the baju a bit roomy. Said for next year wor.

Mamarazzi received E-mail from representative of EnviroHome last week. He told her that EnviroHome is giving out sample of Body Wash 100g  plus another product which is either Food Wash 50ml or Environmental  Cleaner (Concentrated Multi-Purpose Cleaner) to 10 readers of this blog who write in to them  . Please take note that there will be a postage cost of RM10.

For those who are interested to try out the EnviroHome abovementioned products, you may contact them directly at Just need to mention that you are reader of Small Kucing blog.


  1. Gotta love an after price that's the same as the before price. :))

  2. Perfect outfits and colors.


  3. Wahhhhhhhh!!!! So handsome. I like the blue one. Have fun at your party!

    Ya, must read carefully - these places, sometimes can get cheated one. So cilaka those people, main tipu!

    1. Thanks

      I would not dare to say they intentionally cheat la . Maybe careless mistaken but then tak kan la the staff who printed out those label never read....sometimes before and after discount difference is only 1sen...then what is the purpose? after rounding up...we end up have to pay 2 or more sens

  4. Nice colour of Baju Melayu. Yaloh. Not really fit but never mind. Can adjust.

    Hmm. I am also confused by the clearance sales.

  5. Lovely outfits! You look great! :)

  6. cheeky Small Kucing lah, got agenda behind when he kept bodeking Mamarazzi to go to the party in school together.. see?? once Mamarazzi said buy some soya bean milk only, he said okay that Mamarazzi didn't need to go~~ :D

    1. of course ma...if not later i have to carry the soya bean to school leh. If dont bring i scare teacher scold. If bring layer my school bus aunty may not like co heavy

  7. ah?? the school party was a costumes party ke?? Uncle SK thought just wear school uniform like normal, but need to wear something to match the theme ke?? how fun leh, see Small Kucing wearing the baju melayu, so handsome dei.. but must see the photo after Mamarazzi amended them to be fit on Small Kucing la~~

    1. no....just wear gai-gai baju. But Mamarazzi saja think it would be nice to have me wearing tradisional baju leh. Nowadays not many will wear tradisional baju. Just see...near deepavali already...hypermarket all the baju are western style t-shirt and jeans. where are all the tradisional baju.? soon Chinese and malay tradisional baju will vanish too

  8. haha, before discount RM10.79 and after discount RM10.79.. means before jualan penghabisan stock already discounted and there is no more room for further discounts?? aiyoh, potong stim la.. just like you are asking for freebies but then have to pay~~ :p

  9. Ok, I noticed the before and after for the Nutrigold blackcurrent.. Nevermind lor, wait longer, sure got discount lagi. kekekekeke..

    1. tarak intend to get that drink but saja saw the sign so snap photo lo

  10. Eh, you look good in baju Melayu! Can call you Mat Kucing :)

    1. Thanks....tak mau Mat Kucing la...Mat Kool the ice cream

  11. Waaa...looking handsome in traditional wear! I am also garu-ing my head over the discount price ..haha...adakah!

    1. tu la...tarak tau...only the said hyper market will know

  12. Small Kucing, looking so handsome in Baju Melayu. It's absolutely show the true colour of 1Malaysia.

    The placard is really confusing. If you didn't show more clearer, I really didn't notice what's wrong with the first photo.

    1. Thanks

      ya ....wondering that too...maybe they just wanna clear the stocks

  13. Interesting 'discount ' :) you look very nice in your new outfits. Enjoy the school party.

  14. The baju cheap coz odd-sized lor. You look good in both, but blue I think is smarter.

  15. Charmin is the only toilet paper I like. I yell at my Hubs when he buy another brand.

    1. hahahaha..... yes sometimes we are tied to our habit


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