
Mama Kucing Blogs

Thursday 31 January 2019

January 2019 Wrap Up

Hello again everybody. Yea.. we have gone missing again since mid December 2018. 

Nothing much to report for December 2018. Mamarazzi was not in the mood to do anything. Not even to put up Christmas tree, She keep saying tired, So we hang out at home. And on Christmas Day we hang out at shopping mall. Yes... I have grow much taller, right? Yea... Mamarazzi said so too. Will be taller than her soon.

But she did helped me to bake a batch of cookies for Christmas Party held at my tuition centre. The cookies were very yummy. I get to decorate some of them... errr... those ugly ones she let me eat and I use the leftover icing to decorate as I wish.

In January, a fresh school terms starts. Busy busy busy. Again have to wake up early to go to school.

Mamarazzi was busy with her Big Bad Wolf Books hoard. She got her mojo to read again and looking for KL Noir series ever since. She saw in  Facebook that a lady found KL Noir books at a clearance sale in Evolve Mall. The lady said have to hunt for it as the books were jumbled up.

One evening after we had dinner, Mamarazzi asked Papa to drop us at that mall for 30 minutes.  Mamarazzi asked my help to find KL Noir books for her. Hey! what do you know. I found them within 5 minutes. Got myself a comic about  our Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir too.

Next week is Chinese New Year. Mamarazzi did not have mood to prepare CNY goodies this year till very late. A few friends enquired whether she will be selling but she decline.Super-duper hot weather.

Only last week did she started to have "wind" to make CNY goodies. Started with Nian Gao(Chinese sticky Glutinous Rice Cake) and followed by fry Chinese Arrowhead Chips. Eight hours of straight frying yield two containers of the chips. Distributed most to friends already. Left only the yellow container. And by end of last week, only half the yellow container is left.

 Went and bought another 9.5kg of Chinese Arrowhead to make chips.

Monday, her "tornado" came. Made Pineapple tarts. Yea... due to influence from FB again.

Gosh ...what would this world be without FB?

She saw in FB , friends making cute little piggy shaped pineapple tarts. She also wanna try her hand on some la, Wah... not easy to shape the tarts leh. The dough was so soft and hard to handle. 

In the end, she only managed to make 1 tray of piglets pineapple tarts.

The rest, she just roll into balls and poke a clove into it to make it look like mini oranges. 

At the same time she was multitasking too. Made final batch of Nian Gao. Not so nice looking this time as the fire too big. It overflowed but no leak. 

Yesterday she fried the 9,5kg of Chinese Arrowhead. Took her another 8 hours to complete. She also made final batch of pineapple tarts. 

I came home from school and polished off one layer of the tarts. Oh boy... it was very delicious. I wanted to eat second layer of pineapple tarts but she don't let. Wait for today. 

Oh ya... did I tell you she also "Made" " pig trotter"? It's a joke which means  feet or leg that is swollen till look like a pig trotter. Ya, it's the end result of her two days of baking and frying marathon. 

Hey, no worries. After a night rest, her feet are okay already. The swelling subsided.

okay... here to wish you a Happy Chinese New Year (just in case Mamarazzi lazy to blog ) and a Happy February.


  1. Wow, you have grown so much! You look like a teenager! How old are you now? Mama's treats are so cool! They look awesome, wish I could taste. Very talented.

  2. Oh dear!!! I hope mama kucing's feet have got better now. Must be tough having to do it alone. You did not help her? Lovely piggy cookies and the gingerbread man ones are so nice and colourful too!

  3. Btw, Happy Chinese New Year Qong Xi Fa Cai to you and all your loved ones!

  4. I salute Mamarazzi! Peeling, slicing and frying 9.5kg of ngaku (2 rounds some more) for 8 hours is no joke. I will pengsan straight away!

    1. Hahaha biasa already. Now have to get high stool for next year frying

  5. Big boy now.

    Happy Chinese New Year to you and family.

  6. You sure has grown a lot! Love your photo in front of the tree :-)
    The piggy pineapple tarts looks so cute and yummy. I'm glad your mamarazzi's feet are OK!

  7. The mini oranges and piggy shaped pineapple tarts look so cute. They must be yummy too!

    Happy Chinese New Year to you and Mamarazzi too!

  8. Happy New Year to you and your family! Good to know that your Mamarazzi's foot is ok after resting. Suddenly got "wind" and she did a super job getting everything done in such short time. I am sure you have been a great help helping with the cookies.

    1. Mamarazzi always like that one. suddenly have wind

  9. Mamarazzi, you were so hardworking baking and cooking before and during CNY. Yannie did nothing except eating, sleeping and exercising. Shame on me again!


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