
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Happy New Year - Frying, Baking and Steaming Momster is Back

Hello again! i am back...for dunno how long . Am now in morning class . Gotta wake up super early daily to go to school.

Mamarazzi still blur blur daily coz not enough snooze.

Very long time have not been posting as she was lazy ...lazy to blog that is. Instead, she have been busy experimenting in the kitchen.

She saw people posting up home baked "bak Kua"(dried meat) , she also keen to experiment .  Bak Kua nowadays  very expensive. RM60 to Rm80 per 600gm depending  where you buy.

She made some. Low sugar as Papa can't take much of sugar. Texture was nice but taste wise not so good. Probably  coz she reduced the amount of the sugar. wonder price of bak kua so expensive. Bought RM10 minced meat, can get about 9pieces of the bak kua only.

Opps...she was busy chatting online with friend. Hence the bak kua got burnt a bit. Still edible.

Finished with that project, Papa and Mamarazzi went and bought 20kg of Arrow Heads.

Mamarazzi turned into frying monster last weekend fried all 20kg of arrow head chips.

I helped. I helped to eat. Papa too.

Nah...i got help to sell la. But my classmate asked me to give for free pulak.

Wei wei easy to fry leh. Mamarazzi stood infront of the hot wok from morning to midnight leh...can't  feel her feet already leh. I helped massaged her feet and put warm socks for her.

Glad to announce...all 20kg fully sold off...minus a few kg eaten by  Papa and me.

Since am so good to her, Mamarazzi made a surprise  for me. Yup...she made Nian Gao (Chinese  New Year sticky cake) for me. I love Nian Gao coz its so sweet.

While steaming Nian Gao for me , she saw friends posted up about making German Cookies.

Her friend made Chicken shaped german cookies coz this year is the  year of  the Rooster according  to the Chinese Calender.

She made 2 shapes. Which one do you like the most? Left or right?

Well...that's  all for now. Thanks for dropping by.


  1. Respect! Your mum is amazing!!!

  2. Busy mode for next few weeks!!

  3. I was thinking the charred edges of the bak kua was intentional! Looks authentic that way.

    Err not much difference in the 'two shapes' of chicken? One got 'beard' one don't have right? If so, then need to make both types la... one male one female.

    1. Memang wanna char it a bit but this much jo

      Ya the beard different

  4. The chicken cookies so cute! Both also nice! Few years ago, I tried the bak kua but turned out too salty. Maybe I will try again this year. 20 kg of arrow heads is no joke le. The peeling and the frying not easy. Super Mamarazzi!

    1. Ya lo...see ppl make bsk kua like very easy.

      Peeling is easy. But frying is slow coz use small fire

  5. OMG! 20kg of ngaku and your Mamarazzi fry all in one shot! **Pengsan** I fried not even 1 kg pun feel like wanna die. Eh, the chicken shaped cookies are so cute leh! Both shapes also I like.

    1. Nah...fried over two days la. Each day 10kg
      1 kg takes abt an hr to fry

  6. Wow, 20kg, Phong Hong pengsan, i peng peng san san... At first i was wondering if you pipe the chicken cookie, cos the other day, i saw tv, they show a shop selling shape of chicken, but that not using flour, using piping...

  7. Wah Wah Wah!! Your Papa Kaldip can discuss with me how to set up a road side tent every CNY to borong all your mama's CNY delicacies!! So yummy and even cater for less sugar eaters. These days everyone is health conscious already.

  8. Very hardworking Mama, I really Salute her! Please tell your mama that I will give her an award for being so kitchen-rajin, makes me feel so guilty.. I really must get my butt up to do some baking too..wait and see ah...

  9. My fav is bak kua. Was looking forward to reading on how to make it. As you have said, expensive to buy, so I wanna make as well.

  10. the kitchen is surely busy this season! can I help too? .......I mean help to eat..hehehe

  11. Steadylah your mama..! She's amazing. I really love the German nicely done. Left, right, both are cute.

    Homemade bak kua looks like an interesting cooking project. I shall google the recipe out!

  12. These chicken cookies are adorable! My favorite is the one on the left. Your cooked meat looks really good!! I HATE having to get up early in the morning.I feel bad the rest of the day. No wonder you blog less. But your food still looks so good!

  13. Your mom is a wonderful lady! :)

  14. Yuuum! I'd love to try the bak kua - I actually love burned part of meat :-) What a sweet surprise your mamarazzi made. Nian gao chickens are so cute! I love both shapes she made. Problem is that they are too cute to eat :-)

  15. So clever lah this Mama, see people do, she also can do! I will see, think think think, then go buy!!!!!

  16. It is very nice of you to massaged Mama's feet - keep up the good work

  17. since winter has arrived it is hard to pull kids from bed for school .
    dried meat looks perfect for season!
    these traditional cakes look amazingly interesting and inviting .

  18. Aiyo! I would have loved to help (to eat) along with you and your Papa leh...

  19. Yummy, I really should bake some Bah Kwah too!

  20. Morning class ya? Mummy also kena ikut bangun awal liao~~

    Your cookies so cute la!!

  21. Hi, I understand about not blogging so much --since I don't blog as much as I did in years past... Life just gets in the way sometimes... Glad you are enjoying cooking.... We are still traveling, having company, working in the yard, hiking, and I'm interested in Genealogy --which takes a lot of time... Keep in touch... (That son is growing up much too fast!)


  22. Oh yes, I've been seeing these cute rooster cookie posts almost every day in FB! Guess they're in the rave now. Great job, dear! xoxo

  23. Those cookies are real cute! I'm impressed! xoxo

  24. Wonderful post! Happy New Year and thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog.

  25. bak kwa, arrowhead chips and pineapple tarts are the death of me every cny! it's awesome to know that following christmas and new year's, i'll be OFFICIALLY saying goodbye to my (disappearing) waistline. haha!! happy 2017, sk! i'm 21 days late but hey, better late than never, right?! :D

  26. 20kg???!!!!! really salute!


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