
Mama Kucing Blogs

Monday, 16 May 2016

ECover Zero Non Bio Laundry Liquid and Fabric Conditioner

Hello again. Been missing for a month but I still remember I owe you all the complete story of what happened to my stinky lamb lamb after using ECover Zero products, right? 

What is this Ecover? Well, Ecover is the LARGEST green company in UK(not Ulu Klang, ok) . This company focuses in 2 main objectives that is to make effective and phosphate-free cleaning products AND to reduce the environmental impact when comes to cleaning agent. 

Ecover is not a new company. It's set up and well established since 1980 . Nearly as old as Mamarazzi. It has been a household brand for more than 20 decades. This of course shows how well accepted the products of the company are. If the product is not good, company would have "bungkus" long time ago. 

It reach the shores of Malaysia in 2013 and the products are available at Jaya Grocers, Village Grocer and Big. Now, there is a new  range of Ecover products which is called ECover Zero Range. This new range is especially crafted  for people like Mamarazzi who have young children at home, those who have sensitives skins and those who cares about the environments
(poster taken from wikipedia)

Just like Ecover Zero range of products, Unifi had also finally reached our area and Mamarazzi had gone "dotty".   Who doesn't know the above poster ? The fad had finally reached Mamarazzi. Finished with DOTS, followed by a few others pulak.

Meantime,  my Cikgu also complaint about me ...which in turn made Mamarazzi gone ballistic. Exam was around the corner. I tried every trick to escape. Including offering to do laundry  coz I know we have got ECover Zero Non-Bio Laundry Liquid. That detergent will not "burn" my hands if I use it. However, Mamarazzi said no.Still have to do revision despite all my scheming.

Anyway, back to the story. I heard that Lamb-Lamb put up a struggle as Mamarazzi threw him into the washing machine.

Used ECover Zero on him.

Used 2 cups of the detergent on him.

It's a good thing that ECover Zero Non-Bio Laundry Liquid cups is small size. It's very cost saving. Mamarazzi loves the non drip cup design. 

Added ECover Zero Fabric Conditioner for the extra softness.

 Just two cups for the additional softness.

Result? Lamb Lamb came out much cleaner and a bit more fluffier than the time he went into the washing machine. Lucky for ECover Zero Non-Bio Laundry Liquid is not scented. At least I get the neutral smell instead of floral smell. 

As for the rest of the clothes that went in with lamb-lamb, Mamarazzi can say that they came out pretty clean. The result is satisfactory. Towels also felt soft.

 But poor at last weekend (exam finally over)  , I had to takeover washing my school uniform again. Mamarazzi helped me to soak them overnight in ECover Zero Non-Bio Laundry Liquid overnight. Next day, I wash them .

Lucky for me that it is gentle on the fabrics and on my hands too. It did not cause the skin of my fingers to peel. My only grouse is that it doesn't have much "bubbles".  I don't get to play with the bubbles lo. 

Looks like Mamarazzi will have to stock up more of ECover Zero Non-Bio Laundry Liquid and Fabric Conditioner  as it suits my skin very much. Ecover Zero Range is available no in Village Grocer, Jaya Grocer, Ben's and also easily purchase online through


  1. Good that exam is over for you but the exam for my kids continue tomorrow till Friday. Stop today because Teacher's Day.

    Rajin small kucing. Clean own uniform. Good that this product is suitable for you. Mamarazzi sure happy with you and your lamb lamb.

    1. School holidays soon.

      Ya it is good to hav Ecover. Safe for handwash school uniform

  2. No photo of the lamb lamb after the good wash? Aiyor!!!!! So kesian, do your own laundry. My tears fell when I saw the photo, so so kesian. Sayang, sayang - if you're in Sibu, I would do it for you. Hehehehehehe!!!!

    1. Refused to let Mamarazzi near lamb lamb least she drown him again

  3. Little lamb climbed in or running away? hehe

  4. Hello, I had to laugh over Lamb lamb putting up a struggle. Thanks for sharing this product. I know you are happy the exam is over, I hope you did well. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

    1. Thanks Eileen. I heard you have this product long ago over there. It finally reach Malaysia now. So happy

  5. Welcome back Kathy. Wanted to drop a mail to ask where have you gone missing, then again didn't want to disturb you. A great product and I shall try to get my hands on it.

    1. Thanks Nava. Sometimes just need a little break from blogging ☺

  6. No picture of lamb lamb after the wash?

    1. Wah you sound like.....hahaha... i refused to let Mamarazzi near my lamb lamb lo.

  7. Whoa! Such a good boy, doing your own laundry. Your mama is starting you young, eh.. Looks like your lamb-lamb had a really good wash.

    1. Ya Tiger mom....

      Every now and then sneaky Mamarazzi would steal my lamb lamb and throw into washing machine

  8. Since exam is over, you can relax a bit. Small kucing has good training by Mamarazzi to wash your own uniform. Keep your uniform clean to make the washing easier for you.

    1. That is why..Mamarazzi fed up already coz each time my uniform very dirty though change daily. Fed so she ask me to do my own uniform

  9. wahhhh... I like this laundry wash too!

  10. Exams are always difficult, glad that is over. I really like the packaging of this product, very nice.

    1. At this stage it's still easy. Just need to circle the correct answer and fill in the blanks but i find it hard to start my revision

  11. Too cute. Lamb-lamb must be sparkling white now!
    As for you little one, good job doing your own laundry. I started young too! ;)

    1. Not sparkling white ..i had it since i was 6 myhs can guess the condition now. But at least it came out much cleaner than before la

      That's why Mamarazzi had to find detergent that is friendly to he hands so that me skin won't peel

  12. Small Kuching, so clever, wash your own uniform! And your lamb is white as snow now (no longer looking abused).

  13. Lamb lamb not so harum anymore, right? LOL! Aiyoyo, you wash your school uniform by hand, ah? Good training. Everybody must learn how to wash clothes by hand if not, become so manja and will be helpless without the washing machine.

    1. Hahaha ya lo...anyway my uniform very dirty eventhough changed daily. Had to handwash

  14. I'm watching DOTS now and I choose to watch it slowly (2,3 days an episode) so that I can watch longer, LOL

  15. better for you to concentrate on your books and let mama do the washing,he!he!

    1. Now exam lazy to do washing...mamarazzi give me back laundry to do pulak

  16. Cute pictures! And so important to go eco!

    1. Thanks LadyFi

      Yes it is important to care for our eco sys

  17. Luckily lamb lamb didn't make the other clothes black black!

  18. Nice! I always use scent free products because one child has eczema.

  19. i love ecofriendly and scent-free detergent too

  20. get some spy glasses for exam. kakaka.

  21. What a sweet hillarious post. I really enjoyed it :-).

  22. I love how this laundry detergent helped your mom out! Funny, glad exam over.....


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