
Mama Kucing Blogs

Saturday, 9 April 2016

Where There is Smoke...(Ranting Post)

 The haze is back and last week some schools in East Malaysia were asked to close due to haze. Again blame it on the neighbouring country. But how about West Malaysia?

Each evening after school, sure can see smoke coming out from various spots along the road during our journey home. And as everyone know...where there is smoke, the is......

 For example this spot.

 Each time pass by, can see this. There were few times saw Bomba putting out the fire. Ain't this a waste of Bomba time ? Waste of tax payer monies. 


Seems like this piece of land have been turned into rubbish dump by certain people. 

Not sure if the "wall/fence" was put up by the land owner to deter people out from dumping rubbish there . If it is , then it is not working loh. People still are dumping rubbish there. Or on a more sinister scenarios whereby the "wall/fence" are put up by certain people to "hide" the burning activities. 

We live in a magical country. Day time when we pass by oil palm and coconut plantation, usually we don't see any fire. Maybe the sun is too bright ..silau...  But in the evening/night or dawn...the "mist/fog" that carries the aromatic scent smokes would appear. Some say it's from neighbouring country. Some say it's due to "spontaneous combustion" as the land is too hot nighttime. The fire are not started purposely by people. They say, he say, she say,....aiya...i say maybe started by fireflies flying around kot? 

Maybe should look at the bright side.... smoke chase away mozzie. Can prevent dengue case from rising? Whatever...... 


  1. I hate smoke from burning rubbish too. The people stay near my gym like to burn rubbish. When I ran on treadmill, I was so suffered by inhaling this type of toxic smoke. I really feel like filing a complaint to them.

    1. Too bad the gym not close all. Not healthy to run liddat

  2. True lah, some of this open burning are done by our people here. Where is the law enforcement?

  3. Only Sabah close schools early this week. No haze reported in Sarawak but weather has been crazy lately. Sekejap panas like in sauna and next minute, it rains cats and dogs.

    Those are irresponsible people. Burn and burn. When the haze really blow over from our neighbour, they make so much noise.

  4. Some culprits are very smart. They only start their burning in the late night where they can't be detected by the authorities. We can't see where the smoke is coming from, we can only smell it. You want to report also don't know how to report.

    1. That's why la..wanthe enforcement officers to catch them also susah

  5. We have wild fires here in Canada every year ... sometimes lit by a careless person throwing out a cigarette stump out of their moving car ... but most times, nobody knows why ... and acres and acres of forest go up in flames ... wild life has to die or flee and after that new plant grows everywhere like crazy ... that's called "circle of life", lil kitten ... smiles ... Love, cat.

    1. Our side here many incidents of accidentally lit fire. Especially during the time when they need to clear the plantation. The plantation owners is so blessed .

  6. I am so sorry about the haze.

  7. Sometimes it is really due to spontaneous combustion as the weather is too hot and the items are too dry.

    1. Spontaneous combustion nearly daily? Hmmm..

  8. Indeed! And whenever there is a haze, they blame Indonesia...when there is rampant burning locally. And word had it that the culprits in Indonesia were Malaysian and Singaporean companies. Some of the Singapore ones were charged last year by their country - ours, no sound.

    1. And can u guess what who are the owners ....dun play play oh...

  9. I agree, we need clean air no smoke! Hope it is gone soon

  10. so sad nya~ the civil awareness in Malaysia is still so bad. Despite most children are going to school with proper education, eventually, it comes down to the parents to teach them how to behave and act.

  11. The other day, i saw news, our side here, they reported the PSI about 80 plus...

  12. I think is the latter scenario, the fence is to hide their burning activities. Haih, all these tor sui kar... Feels like only recently the last round of haze happened, already 1 year zzz...

    1. Dare not think liao....heard haze will be here again next mth

  13. Ehhh, I thought mama wana blog about haze.. Ohh, so it's really about smoke..Coz now, when I wakeup everyday, I can smell smoke too, it's the haze la, coming back soon, huhuhu.. Haizzzzz

  14. Yeah , I always smell smoke in the morning when I woke up for work , even in SG !

  15. The weather has been a killer and it is also taking a toll on my health. Hopefully rain fall will come soon.

  16. Hope the authorities will read this post and do something?

  17. I always wonder why we don't have any like aduan can make a call to complain this meh, sigh! The earth is crying but no one wants to listen.

    1. Ya wor...the only aduann is call to call bomba.

  18. Seem like those people no need to breath or they can survive with breathing those polluted air >_<

  19. Oh yes, the haze is a major problem too whenever it hits SG. Wonder when the Indonesian govt gonna put in real effort to tackle the issue. Sigh!

  20. You had me LOL-ing at fireflies.. ;P
    Some people just don't care for the environment much, nor do they care for others. It's saddening!

  21. This is really a HOT topic nowadays with the hot weather and added smoky haze. The Indons burn forests annually but no one could stop them! Now their foreign workers also brought their habits to bakar sampah in Selangor. I always see them around Sg Buloh. I could spot an Indon from a mile away! The way they walk and wrap the sarong is very different one. So they bakar sampah also Indon style la.

    1. Haze is coming back again. Gotta buy more mask from tabao

  22. only when something big and really dangerous happens, then people will wake up to be more considerate and thoughtful to Earth and others. Before that, just have to bear with it I guess..

  23. It's also very hot now, burning like this can be dangerous. In Australia, during the hot summer months, there's a ban on open burning and you'll get HUGE fine even if you throw a cigarette butt on the ground. It's a big no-no and heavily enforced, but then again Malaysia has weak enforcement even if we do have the laws.

  24. Bush fires are mostly caused by cigarette buds,land clearing and lightning strike.

  25. This tells our quality, and our standard.

  26. Sigh... Of selfish businessmen who just find the easy way out but don't care about others !

  27. I hate it when I see people burning openly..

    1. We can hate all we can but still hard to stop them

  28. If got smoke the mosquito just fly another direction... won't die one.

    Ya la so geram when smell open burning.

    1. Funny thing is when there's haze..more mozzie in the house

  29. We have a burning ban here... but that doesn't stop people from burning anyway.

    1. If only everyone cooperative and dont have open burning

  30. I love to breath clean and healthy air.

    What a chambles ...

    Kind regards,


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