Business was good . Plenty of good advice from Auntie Sue Chan and she helped me sold a lot of Mamarazzi pickled mangoes. She said she loves the pickled mango. Apart from pickled mangoes, my stall also sells fresh aloe vera, ice cold herbal tea, homegrown Brazilian spinach, pandan, books and etc.
Photo credit from BJGreen Ranger and various members.
Not only visitors had good time there but the vendors too. They were a cheerful crowd.
The Recycling Center people were there too. Teaching about recycling and art & crafts for the kids. Too bad I didn't have time to browse . Oh waits for no one.
Despite everything, the main pull of the event is still the plant exchange and adoption. Registration counter started to be busy as early as 7am as many came early to drop off boxes of plants which they propagated adoption.
The Plant Exchange/Adoption started proper at 10am where the MC started to can the first 10 numbers. Each person were given a number when they drop off the plants at the registration counter for adoption.
When the Plant Exchange starts the MC will call the number. When their number is called, they can approach the table to take a certain number of plants. The number of plants allowed is based on the number of plants they contributed. Those who contributed 1 to 5 plants are allowed to take 2 plants each round. Those who contributed 6 to 10 plants are allowed to take 4 plants each round and those who contributed 10 plants and above are allowed to take 6 plants per round.
This will go on for 2 rounds. Once all the contributors had 2 rounds, the plant adoption will be open for public. Meaning, the Contributors and the Public can approach the table and take as many plant as they wish.
Here is a short snippet when the Plant Exchange is open to public. On the left wearing green are the BJ Green Rangers and volunteers.
Although the plants are properly labelled, many still doesn't know the usage and how to care for the plants. This is where the helpful and knowledgeable BJ Green Rangers and Volunteers comes in. They explain the visitors on how to care for the plants and any health benefit for the plants. There are so many plants that we didn't know is edible and have medicinal value.
While everyone attention were at the plant exchange/adoption table, I took a break and had my tea break. Went to the Mamak Restaurant and bought two roti telur using the money from the sales.
The fun did not end when the plants were fully adopted. There were lucky draw too. Twenty(20) prizes all together.
The remaining crowd were so funny. So much laughter there. There much teasing as some of the lucky winner had gone home... so the prize were forfeited. Next number were called.
Mamarazzi won one of the consolation prize and her friend won 2nd Prize.
This one is for the album. The 1st Prize, 2nd Prize and 3rd Prize winner group photo with the Organiser Bukit Jelutong Green Rangers Datin Sivamani, Auntie Karen and Stephen Chan who donated the prizes.
And of course have to thank the KDU Ambassadors for distributing endless cups of coffee and ice cream. I love it. Yea... now I learn how to enjoy coffee.
This round not so bad... not that many plants followed Mamarazzi home . Initially she didn't plan to adopt any plants as there are no more space at home but..... oh well.. only these 12 plants...
Oppsss....missed out one super duper tall adenium. ... it's even way taller than Mamarazzi. I don't know how she managed to "sumbat" (stuffed) it into the car but she did it. Now it's planted in front of out house.