Sometime last month, don't know what wind blow Mamarazzi and a few of us went to makan buffet.
Cari punya cari they decided to eat at this restaurant. Parking was a big headache, but Papa managed to find a parking riiiiiiiight at the front of the restaurant.
Woah weee what's a boat doing in here?!
What do we have here on the boat? A buffet of fresh food. There were various shell fish, fish meat, slices of octopus, slices of squid, prawns, vegetables, mushrooms, neatly packed noodles in big glass jars and many more .
At the other side of the restaurant there were a few chillers of marinated meat such as chicken wing, lamb, meat slices ,steamboat ingredients and BBQ ingredients.
But I like this the most. There were various fruits that you can eat as it is or make into rojak. I like to dip them into chocolate as they have a chocolate fountain too. Oh ya! Did I mention that they have marshmallows too?
On second thought, this is my favourite. Three chillers full of ice cream .
For those who have phobia on sharing scoops ice cream (yea... some buffet have big tubs of ice cream where patrons can scoop but the scoop sometimes were sticky due to many hands had touch it. That can put off some people) they can opt for nicely wrapped ice cream. They have ice cream potong, ice cream cones and various flavour of ice cream.
Mamarazzi's favourite. Yup.... coffee ice cream. Taste pretty good.

There were a section for fried food stuff. They have fried rice, nuggets, fried chicken wings and such. Their fried rice was pretty good . Chinese tea and soft drinks were free flowing.
Another of her favourite is this. The good thing about this place is that ones does not need to rush for it. They are very generous with prawns and other type of expensive seafood, The staffs kept replenishing them very fast. That's what you call "eat-all-you-can".
We were surprised that every half an hour they have this game of catching live prawns. Not for the faint hearted. The staffs would release live prawns into the aquarium . The patrons were given a small cup and a food tongs to catch the prawns with.
First round Mamarazzi caught 4 prawns and I caught 1. Second round Mamarazzi didn't catch anything but I caught 2. Third round we both caught 2. I wanted to go for fourth round but Mamarazzi said no. Said time to go home wor.
Jeng Jeng! XXL size fresh prawn that I caught with my own hand. Very juicy and sweet.
While the rest go for the steamboat, I went for the grill. I had fun grilling stuffs for everyone to eat.
Yup... I was nominated as the person in charge of the grill.
Bon appetit.
I like this place la. Price wise also okay considering the amount of fresh food offered. The price? Oh ya. .. the buffet price for adult (as at 28/10/2018) was RM48. Child 120cm to 140cm RM25. Child 90cm to 120cm RM15. Errrrrr... I kena adult price liao lo. Exceeded the height.
Here is the address if you wanna try out the food . But be sure to go early ya coz the place is usually very crowded. We were told that they don't accept reservation on weekend we we call up that day.
Address: 1G, Jln Radin Bagus 7, Sri Petaling, 57000 Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur