
Mama Kucing Blogs

Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Children Day Celebrations and Free Tree Plants Giveaway

Photo credits to classmate mom

We celebrated Children day in our school last Monday. On Children Day celebration , we don't have to wear school uniform. Instead we get to wear our favourite clothing.

As usual, when asked wanna contribute what food, I answered Soft drinks. Initially thought wanna bring a few 1.5L soft drinks but this year teacher banned. Said worried that we will tumpah(spill) the drinks everywhere. Instead she requested to bring "air kotak" (packet drinks). Mamarazzi laughed at me and said that we are babies still coz Primary  1 to 3, teachers never worry about spilling drink but Primary 4 we have to drink with straws.

One friend asked Mamarazzi  is it true this year, parents not allowed to join the celebration in class. Mamarazzi was not sure as she got Invitation Form from the school but usually she won't attend as she said Children Day is for children. No need parents join la. But what I heard from my class teacher is that parents can come for the Stage Celebration but not encouraged to join in our class celebration as food not enough.

Yikes... food not enough. Hmmm ...true also la. At this age, we are Makan Monsters. On the said  morning, Mamarazzi woke up early and prepared more food for me to bring for the celebration.

And also some fruits too. 

Photo credit to classmate mom

One of my classmate Mom did attend the celebration in our class. There were ample food. Must be all mummies when heard not enough food, they all last minute prepare more food for us. My class teacher was happy and smiling. We managed to finish all the food. 

Our lovely teacher distributing food to us . Making sure that each student have enough to eat. 

When Papa and Mamarazzi come to pick me up in the evening, I told them I "tapau-ed" some food for them as there were more than enough to eat. Mamarazzi said aiyo... why tapau ler. Sure basi (spoil) by evening. But surprisingly the fried rice and fried chicken was still good. 

As usual, Mamarazzi asked me why this year I didn't tapau any junk food home coz previous year each and everyone of us will bring home a big plastic bag of junk food.  I told her this year teacher gave option for us to take the items that we wanted from the junk food pile.  I only took a packet of "Mamee".  

Another BIG eat was last Friday. Papa asked where I wanna treat Kaw Kaw LC for her birthday. I replied Texas Chicken. He said no fast food. Sushi? He said no sushi. Then I said mixed rice. He said Kaw kaw LC ate 4 times mixed rice already. 

Aiyoyo... like that how la.  So end up at Restaurant SF in Sg Buloh New Village. A quick dinner before going home. 

But but but after dinner am still hungry wor.  Mamarazzi went and tapau 2 Red Bean Pau for me which I finished during our journey home. Halfway I asked what's for supper. Mamarazzi was surprised that I still have room for supper.  Papa bought burger for me.Nice nice... Tummy full full nice to sleep. 

Next day have to wake up early. Why? Coz  Mamarazzi wanna go to Bangsar for Free Tree Society Plant Giveaway Day, Meeting a few friends there and bringing a few cuttings to contribute. 

We arrived early. Me and Mamarazzi went in and met her friends who were volunteering there while Papa and Kaw Kaw LC went for breakfast. I asked Mamarazzi whether I can take a "Sapling" home. She said can as each person is allowed to take 2 plants. 

At first I choose this but Mamarazzi said it will grow into a big tree. No space for it at home.  She helped me choose another. It's Hibiscus Mutabilis. This hibiscus will changes color. Morning it's white and by evening it will turn pink. 

Mamarazzi asked me to help her to catch some guppy but this round the guppies were hiding. I only managed to catch some shrimps. 

We came home very late that evening. Mamarazzi just put everything at the car porch. Next morning, I went looking for my hibiscus. 

Is this it? Nope... it's Bat Lily

Aha... here is my Hibiscus. Hope it will grow big and strong. Give me some flowers. 

Sunday, 28 October 2018

Big Bad Wolf Books Sale 2018

The Big Bad Wolf is back with a sharp new look for his 10th anniversary! Get ready to hunt down the best book deals. Come join his pack of book lovers at #BBWKL2018

🕐 7-17 DEC 2018

Follow his Facebook for contest to win precious Preeview Passes

Friday, 26 October 2018

Update : BJ Plant Exchange & Adoption Programme And Flea Market

The 8th Bukit Jelutong Plant Exchange and Adoption Programme was held last Saturday . There was a Flea Market too. Mamarazzi booked a stall for me to sell my wares. Gosh... how come so many stuffs? Where do I begin? 

Photo credit to Datin Sivamani

Let's begin with a group photo lah. Ya... later on will be too busy to snap any photo.  A group photo with the President and organiser of the event, Datin Sivamani. 

This round I had a helper/trainee under me. Can you spot my helper/trainee? He was initially shy but warmed to selling after that.

Gosh... lucky Mamarazzi "tumpang" a few boxes of plants that were to be donated out with Aunty Karen. Else, I think I have to sit on the car roof already. Don't know what happen la. This round like have too many things to sell geh. 

We went early to set up our stall and Papa helped to hang the banner while Aunty YL and Aunty Florence helped to arrange the plants at the donation area. 

This round there were many sellers at the Flea Market with good variety of goods. 

Photo Credit to Datin Sivamani

There was health talk and free health checking but we were too busy to sit and listen. Visitors to the event sure had a great time.  

Photo credit to Datin Sivamani

We were lucky to have KDU students come and give demonstration on muffin decoration. 

And guess what.... the public get to enjoy free muffins! Lengzhai and Lenglui from KDU went around distributing muffins to everyone

They also gave out free coffee. It was very much welcomed by all . I went and took coffee for Mamarazzi  so many round as she was busy at the registration counter. I think I took at least 3 cups for Mamarazzi. She was kinda hyper after that.

I was very much exhausted by the end of the Flea Market but am pretty pleased to have made enough to pay a small training allowance to my helper/trainee , pay for my school trip in December and to buy a new set of school exercise uniform . I had grown too big for the T-shirt and pant. Mamarazzi didn't know I paid my trainee till his mommy text her.  Oh well, profit is meant to be shared, right? 

This round, Mamarazzi did not take as many plants as previous. Looked left looked right... hmm... most plants already exist in her jungle. *LOL*

Overall, it was a fun evemt. Thank you to Datin Sivamani and the BJ Green Rangers for arranging the event, 

The next BJPE is tentatively in June 2019.

Friday, 5 October 2018

Bukit Jelutong #8 Plant Exchange & Adoption Programme and Flea Market

Time flies very fast . BJ Green Rangers had announced that the 8th BJPE will be held this coming 20th October 2018.

Surprise surprise...can you spot me in the banner? Yup.. the photo was taken during last BJPE. There were loads of plants donated by BJ Green Rangers and members of the public. I can't be sure but I think there were at least 1000 plants given out on last BjPE. Mamarazzi and me alone brought over around 100 plants and all were snapped up.

I guess this coming BJPE will be way better  than the last  as there  are plenty of interesting programme listed. I know Mamarazzi would be very happy as I heard there would be free coffee.

As for me, I hope that there will be many  visitors come to my stall. Am gonna "open" business there. Will be selling books and vegetables from Mamarazzi' s garden.

Mark your calender and do drop by if you have the time ya. See you there!

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Getting Natural In The Nursery

You wouldn’t be here if you didn’t already know about the benefits of a natural home. Going natural is often the best way for both you and your family to achieve the lifestyles you’re after.

You’ll find natural choices are especially beneficial when it comes to raising a family. We’ve spoken in the past about how gardening with kids is always a good idea. But, there’s no reason you should stop there when it comes to letting nature into their lives.

In truth, you can start introducing this lifestyle well before they’re able to use a spade. There’s nothing to stop you introducing them to the benefits of nature the moment they come into the world. The sooner, the better, as they say. With that in mind, you might want to consider a few of the ways you can introduce nature into your little one’s nursery. Lucky for you, we have some pointers to help you do just that.

Consider natural materials

It should go without saying that a room filled with natural materials is your best bet here. Investing in plastic cribs and the like just won’t have the same impact. By comparison, a nursery which makes use of wood more than anything else is sure to look amazing. The good news is, there are plenty of opportunities to introduce wood into the space. You could opt for a wooden floor for one, which is both practical and beautiful. You could also either make wooden furniture, or invest in ready-made wooden options like the nursery furniture sets from Cuckooland. You could even take this further by investing in natural wooden toys for display. A wooden dial hanging from the ceiling would be the ideal way to complete this all-natural room. Whatever you do, steer clear of synthetic materials which will look out of place.

Incorporate plants

We know what you’re thinking; aren’t plants and babies a bad mix? Undeniably, you need to be careful about what you choose for this. Still, there are plenty of plants out there which are 100% safe. Given that these have the benefits of purifying nursery air, they’re worth your attention. There are plenty of guides out there to give you an idea here. Options like snake plants and spider plants are both well worth your attention. As well as their health benefits, these bring a beautiful natural appearance to any nursery.

Keep the space clear

There may not be anything natural per se about a clean room. Most of nature can get pretty wild. But, you’ll also find that keeping the nursery clear of clutter will work wonders here. There’s something about a clean room which lets air circulate and keeps things fresh. Pair this with that natural wooden floor, and you’ll have a natural nursery to die for in no time. Of course, keeping a baby’s room clean isn’t always easy. Your best bet for success is to incorporate plenty of storage units, and clean little and often to keep on top.

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