Steam Chicken, Baked Chicken, Roasted Chicken, Fried Chicken ...all bored already. What else to cook ar? Then Mamarazzi saw this Kdrama . They were eating fried chicken. Recall pulak the famous KyoChon Chicken . That was so yummy.
Asked Mr Google how to make. Found the recipe but don't have enough ingredients. Oh well, you know Mamarazzi. She would simply hentam whatever ingredients la.
First time cooking this. Not bad la. I sapu clean the whole plate of chicken. So yummy.
Posted in Facebook and my Uncle said nice 大紧张 (big Tension) chicken. Was puzzled what is Big Tension Chicken. Then he said "Dakgangjeong" sound like Big Tension in Cantonese, *LOL* funny fella
In the evening, I did the frying. Eeee.... scary process . Hmmm....need to ask Santa to send me suit of armor for Christmas. Oil splatter here and there leh.
Making the sauce was easier . Not oil splatter but need to control the fire or else the sauce gets burnt,
Jeng! Jeng! my 大紧张 Chicken. Hahaha.... a good name for it. Very tension leh all the frying.. If you run out of idea on what to cook, why not try this 大紧张 Chicken. Yum.