Help! I need a good Samaritan to intervene on my behalf with Mamarazzi. A good Samaritan like the one in Enid Blyton story book "The Children's Life of Christ".
Jesus said we cannot simply judge people. Like in the story. A man was robbed and injured. He was so happy when he saw a Priest coming his way. He thought the Priest would help him but the Priest did not
Then he saw a fellow traveller, a Levite. He saw this man often go to the Temple and pray. Must be a good man and would help him. But sadly, that man did not help him.
Poor man. Next he saw a Samaritan coming his way. He said to himself, Samaritan are known to be bad people. He won't help me. To his surprise, the Samaritan stopped and helped him.Not only that the Good Samaritan cleaned his wound for him but also the Samaritan brought him to an inn where he paid for the man's boarding too.
Now is there any good Samaritan out there who can help me?
(Recycled pic)
When we were at Penang, Mamarazzi bought this car for me.
Now, she won't let me play with it.
She put it up the shelf so high that I could not reach it. Said wait till I am older first.
Some more scolded me. Said I don't take care nor appreciate the cars that were given to me. Minor scratches are still acceptable.
But THIS! This is not acceptable. Said I played with the car too roughly. One of the front wheel bend out of shape.
The antenna to the remote control also broke off.
(recycled pic)
Said she bought this for me in Penang end of June. Not even 2 months old yet. Already broken till like this.
Not my fault ah. The car quality lousy only mah.
Or like this. Bought on my birthday. Now, all the rubber to the tyre are missing except for one.
Not my fault ah. The manufacturer should have glued the rubber tyres securely mah.
Or maybe even worse. Whole car plus remote control might go missing like this one. Left only the cover.
Where got hilang? I "put" it under your bed ma. This just shows that you sweep floor never sweep properly. Tarak sweep and clean under the bed!
She said there was another one which was so broken that she had thrown it away.
Sure or not? Maybe Papa or Mamarazzi were the ones who play and broken my car then say I break it leh.
But those cars bought are for me to play with mah. Am not the destroyer. *merajuk* Now I have no car to play with.