Jeng~Jeng~Jeng~ the two botak heads. Papa say wanna follow my hair style wor. Wanna botak too for his birthday. But his tarak "ekor" at the back.
This year we did not have birthday party. Just simple jalan-jalan and a bit of makan.
Auntie Alice and Juan Or came to visit me two weeks before my birthday. They gave me a birthday gift. Mamarazzi said cannot open. Wait for Papa to come back and birthday baru can open.
Papa came back just a few days before our birthdays. You know what I did? There was a "ding dong" and I opened the door. I saw Papa. Then I ran away. Papa was surprised. Why I ran away geh? Normally I would open door and huggy Papa.
Then Mamarazzi knew...hahahaha..I ran very fast to Ah Mah room to get my gifts.
Mamarazzi said punya ma...Papa come back means I can open my pressie.
Then Mamarazzi said belum birthday wor. I was so disappointed. Monyok already. Then they kesian see me like that so they allow me to open one pressie.
Of course I choose Auntie Aluce punya coz I have been wondering for so long what's inside.
Wow! A Mickey Mouse Clubhouse book! Yippeee! Thank you, thank you.
Auntie Cleff gave me this "bear" for birthday. Must take photo first.
On the morning of my birthday, Mamarazzi finally let me open my pressie.
This gift came two days before my birthday. Noticed the lovely hand made card?
Wow! a set of coloring book. I wanna "draw"(color).
A book for Mamarazzi to read to me.
And Papa said this is a classic. Abu Be Good. Anyone remember old Malay stories "Abu Budak Nakal"?
Thank you very much Chloe and Auntie Hwei Li. Hope both of you are well again. And Happy Belated Birthday to you, Auntie Hwei Li.
Next come the gifts from Auntie Chee Yee whose son Mamarazzi nearly kidnapped and made Jie Jie Lynn cried. Long story there.
Another Mickey Mouse Clubhouse book. Hehehe...Looks like everyone know my favourite show ya.
Goody..I can draw and draw and use the eraser to erase. It's a magnetic book with wipe able ink book.
Next comes pressie from my Dear. 3-D Mickey Mouse Jigsaw Puzzle. Mamarazzi jahat. Open until here, she won't let me open anymore. Say this one must keep a few more month baru can play coz she is lazy to pick up the puzzle wor. Said I like to leave my things everywhere. Later hilang one piece of puzzle then cham liao.
Then we went out gai-gai. I get to pick two toys for my birthday pressie. I choose this Thomas and Friends Choo Choo train. This Choo Choo Train very weird one wor. Can talk and then can kiss kiss punya.
Mamarazzi said something about it's Mac-Net-Tick. McDonald I know la. This one I tarak tau what is that. Hentam aje la. My choo choo train can kissy kissy one.
Also I got this Remote Control Car for my birthday. But Mamarazzi said sure going to be destroy by me within a week.
While we were jalan-jalan, Auntie Cynthia sms-ed Mamarazzi said she is baking a cake. Asked we need a birthday cake for me or not. Mamarazzi said no need la since we were not celebrating. Just going out for a simple jalan-jalan aje.
Mana tau one hour later, Auntie Cynthia sms-ed again. She said the cake is ready and wanna deliver to me. Aiyo..really paiseh la she went to all the trouble.
Met up at McDonald and she belanja me and Papa Ice-cream. Yummy yum yum.
See! nice or not the cake. My Dear sprinkled the heart shape thingy on the cake punya.
Two Birthday Boys.
Mmm....yummy looking la...beh tahan...curi cikit....
Nah..Papa...nice or not?
Happy Birthdays to us.....*blow* habis saliva all over the cake.
That night I really syok choo choo train till I fell asleep.
Thank you Ah Mah, Auntie Siew, Auntie Florence and Auntie Claire for the angpaus. And thank you everyone who left birthday greeting for Papa and me in the blog and Facebook.