
Mama Kucing Blogs

Sunday, 29 June 2008

An Outing

Wait awhile ya. Let me finish my milk-milk first.

Okay, I am ready. Lets get moving.

Wow...weee...kakaka..kekekeke... So many things to see.

Wei, Mama drive carefully ya, else I'll be getting car-sick or rather pram-sick

Phittwitt! got a lenglui there. Hey, girl. Mind giving me your number?

Uiks! sorry ya bro. Thought you are a female with your hair this long. Nice hair you've got there. Just go easy with the lipgloss.

Gee....the price of stuffs are shooting up faster than the time it takes for my hair to grow. Oh by the way, most of my baby hair had dropped and now new hair is growing.

Well, makan time for Papa and Mama. Looks delicious.

My saliva dropping already. Too bad Mama says I cannot eat coz I got no teeth. Hmm...what to do? Minum susu loh.

I didn't return empty handed. As a consolation prize, I've got a balloon from McDonald Restaurant. I was allowed to hold it for awhile only. And now it's nicely on display in the living room. My first BALLOON...I'm Lovin' it!


Mmmm..yum..chew...Very nice to chew my fingers. Gums itchy. Surely Mama won't notice if I chew when I am lying on my tummy.


Opps...what is that?



Foiled again my game.

Saturday, 28 June 2008


This morning when I woke up, I saw something.

Wah lau eh...Two big eyes was watching me.

I was like "ooooo"

It was Mr Hippo. He said I look very handsome when I am fast asleep.

Kakakaka..jangan jealous

Kiss Kiss

Hiya.. I heard many people in K.T. misses me. I miss everyone there too. When Papa free, I'll ask Papa to bring me back to K.T, okey.

Muakz! *kiss* kiss*

My Best Friend and Me

My Best friend is Mr Bear Bear

Mr Bear Bear likes to follow me around

Sometimes we play wrestling. Mr Bear Bear can really throw a punch.

Sometimes we play count my toeys.

But mostly we like to sit together and watch Mr Fan Fan turning.

I want some more

I want some more milk-milk NOW. If not, I am going to throw everything from the bed.

Wednesday, 25 June 2008

Tis is ..

Mama just learnt how to use a function in the camera to snap a series of continuous photos. Suddenly, Mama point the camera at me. This is how I looked when I was caught unprepared.


I like to suck my fingers. It's fingerlicious. Better than KFC or McD. Suck, suck, suck and suck. It's so comforting.

Sometimes I poke my fingers too deep into my throat and end up vomiting out my milk-milk. Face looks like 'Duck"ula with all the "Tau Fu Far" dripping out of my mouth.

Mama got angry and said NO MORE SUCKING FINGER! *sob*sob* That the end of my career of sucking finger.

Well, I didn't go down without a fight! I drove my BMW to the glass table. And started a career of sucking table.

Unfortunately, Mama discovered this too. Sad to say that the discovery had cut short further advance of that.

My mouth is still itchy. Guess I'll just have to suck my own lips. Mama won't object to that ...gua....

Tuesday, 24 June 2008

Jab jab jab

Grrrrr......Mama said go gai-gai. Instead, bring me to Dr Soh for jab jab. Now left and right bum-bum pain-pain. That's why I merajuk till mouth like Donald Duck. Quack! quack! quack!
Well, at least I pass the examination. I am not overweight though I may look BIG.
Actually, I am not that BIG. There was another baby there named Isaac who is a day older than me. Omg! he is much bigger than I am. Guess maybe he would fail the weight examination.
His grandmama says he drinks formula milk solely. Enfalac. His Mama no longer give him nen nen.
We sat next to each other and compared the sole of our feet. His is larger than mine. But then my body is much firmer than his. No flabby thigh..kekekeke..

Saturday, 21 June 2008


Oppss...Mamarazzi is at work again. Here comes the video


Am going to be 4months old next week. Papa says I am a big boy already. Big boy sleep in own bed. There are many teddy bears in my "kandang". Scary at first but I'll soon get used to it.

Wednesday, 18 June 2008


Help me!!!! Mama, stop tickling me..kekekekakakakekekekakaka. I am ticklish.

Not enough.

When I was two weeks old, Ah Ma taught me how to suck my thumb. As I grow bigger, I found that sucking thumb is not enough. Suck all of my fingers is better :p

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